As Michael said, your original code works fine for me (running 1.2.0

user=> (do (send artisan manufacture) (println @material @products
4 3 2
user=> (do (send artisan manufacture) (println @material @products
3 0 6
user=> (do (send artisan manufacture) (println @material @products
2 1 6
user=> (do (send artisan manufacture) (println @material @products
1 2 6

Without seeing the actual exception, it's hard to diagnose what you're
running into.  What version of clojure are you running?

Out of curiosity why did you structure your code that way, as opposed
to something like:

(defn manufacture [state]
                (alter material ask-materials)
                (alter products send-products))
        (str "idle"))

I'm not sure what the full story is behind the intent of watchers, but
it smells funny to me to have them modify the ref whose modification
triggered them.

As for dumping the state-change of refs, add-watch seems the right
path, though you don't need to repeat yourself:

(defmacro dump [& refs]
    ~@(for [r refs]
      `(add-watch ~r :dump (fn [k# r# o# n#] (println '~r o# "=>"

(dump material products products-store)

One issue with the above is that the printlns occur in the agent
threads, so the output to the repl can look weird.

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