Laurent, Meikel, Christophe,

I guess I must be missing something obvious, but can't we just put
more than one thing into an atom in order to get atomic behavior?
Using, say, a vector. Using the simple bounded memoizer as an example,
this looks to me like it works:

(defn bounded-memoize
  [f capacity]
  (let [mem (atom [{} []])]
    (fn [& args]
      (if-let [e (find (first @mem) args)]
        (val e)
        (let [ret (apply f args)]
          (swap! mem #(let [cache (assoc (first %) args ret)
                            v (conj (second %) args)]
                        (if (> (count v) capacity)
                          [(dissoc cache (first v)) (subvec v 1)]
                          [cache v])))

And if this works, it should be applicable to the strategy-ed
memoizers, too.


On Mar 13, 4:27 am, Christophe Grand <> wrote:
> Hi Meikel,
> Since Laurent dragged me into the discussion:
> On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Meikel Brandmeyer <> wrote:
> > Hello Laurent,
> > On Mar 10, 11:45 am, Laurent PETIT <> wrote:
> > >  * usage of refs : I had a bad feeling, and cgrand confirmed this to
> > > me by pointing an even more interesting counter-argument. Me: using
> > > refs is not mandatory since you do not need to synchronize this change
> > > with anything else.
> > I don't think, that this is entirely true! You have to syncronise the
> > cache with the state in the strategy. This can be done with atoms only
> > if the cache and the strategy state are contained in the same atom and
> > all updates happen in a single call to swap! (or reset!). As soon as
> > you
> > have multiple calls, you need transactions again, because the atom
> > might
> > change between the two calls. And you can't swap! and return a result
> > at
> > the same time.
> > Say you have the LRU strategy. You deref the cache, find the result
> > cached. Now you swap! in the new access time into your state. But
> > between the deref and the swap! another call might trigger the removal
> > of the entry. So you always have to guard against the atom suddenly
> > changing underneath - even if it's only one atom.
> I agree.
> > Something what annoys me more is that the computation may be fired of
> > several times. Since the f is supposedly expensive, I'd rather avoid
> > that.
> See my memoize5: the call isn't computed inside the swap!s
> > I gave it another run and came up with another solution. Even more
> > hairy. :P
> > * a warm cache is fast
> > * a cache miss is potentially slow, but the missing value is computed
> > only
> >  once, multiple requests for the same item wait for the initially
> > triggered
> >  computation
> > * the cache can be updated (almost) in parallel for different items
> > (defn memoize
> >  ([f] (memoize f naive-strategy))
> >   ([f [cache-lookup cache-update]]
> >    (let [cache-state (atom {})]
> >     (fn [& args]
> >       (if-let [e (cache-lookup cache-state args)]
> >         @(val e)
> >         @(locking cache-state
> >            (if-let [e (cache-lookup cache-state args)]
> >              (val e)
> >              (let [result (promise)]
> >                (.start (Thread. #(deliver result (apply f args))))
> >                (swap! cache-state assoc-in [:cache args] result)
> >                (cache-update cache-state args)
> >                result))))))))
> > But with this you can't reliably implement strategies like LRU and the
> > like.
> Since you use a lock I think some clever combination of memoized functions
> can create a deadlock.
> > But this is really an interesting problem. I'll mull a little more
> > about it. :)
> I agree, it's interesting and here is my entry:
> Christophe

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