On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 04:43:13AM -0700, jvshahid wrote:
> Thanks Per,
> This definitely works
> > Try (loop [x (. 1 longValue)] (if (= 0 x) x (recur (- x (long 1))))).
> but from my understanding of clojure internals clojure.lang.Numbers
> should take care of that. Since one of the arguments of '-' is a long
> a LongOps should do the minus and return a long. Which leads me to the
> ask why the first version doesn't work when it should.

I think that the problem is that in (- x 1), even though x is a
primitive long, 1 is an Integer (non-primitive).  That is why you are
able to do (. 1 longValue), it treats 1 as an Integer object.

Therefore, x is boxed into a Long (non-primitive) and 1 is promoted to a
Long.  So, the result of the operation is a Long.

However, in the loop/recur you have created, the x in loop is a
primitive, and recur is unable to automatically unbox the Long into a

On the other hand (dec x) only has one argument, a long.  So, I am
guessing that dec has the ability to decrement a primitive without any
boxing, so it naturally returns a primitive long.

In most Clojure code that depends on retaining primitives, numeric
constants are coerced into primitives, like (int 1).


Daniel Solano Gómez

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