Problem solved, see below.

Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> On May 31, 1:46 pm, "Sina K. Heshmati" <> wrote:
>> Here's my concern:
>> - My program (A) is running.
>> - B is running on the same VM.
>> - B accesses the state of A.
>> - B alters the state of A in an inconsistent way
>>   e.g. whenever the internal state x changes, the
>>   internal state y also has to change accordingly,
>>   but B only changes x.
>> - A is screwed.
> A is namespace my.ns.a. There you define a private var: (def
> ^{:private true} state (atom 0)). B is namespace my.ns.b. B cannot
> change state in A.
> user=> (ns my.ns.a)
> nil
> my.ns.a=> (def ^{:private true} state (atom 0))
> #'my.ns.a/state
> my.ns.a=> (ns my.ns.b)
> nil
> my.ns.b=> (reset! my.ns.a/state :messed-up-your-state-harharhar)
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: var: my.ns.a/state is not public
> From a philosophical point of view:
> Either you develop an application and
>   you are in charge of B. => You are in control: don't do it.
>   you are not in charge of B. => B is obviously a crappy library which
> you should not use in project.
> You develop a library: A. Why bother? Since your library is well
> documented it clearly defines the contract. Why care for people who
> are too lazy to read?

True but my main concern is security of a running application. It could very 
well be that B is just a bunch of interactions, in which case B can enter A's 

I still haven't tried to use reflection to see if I can still access the state. 
In case a program can use metaprogramming to access private fields of an 
abstraction, no matter what the programmer does, then my concerns are not 

>> Is there a way to pass the function itself rather
>> than making a new function that calls the exact
>> same function with the same arguments?
> (let [state (atom 0)]
>   (extend t-a
>     prot-a
>     {:op-a (fn [this x y] (+ (.member this) x y @state))}))

Thanks a bunch, Meikel.

Problem solved. Please see:

Kind regards,

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