Here's my take:

(defn remove-first [x coll]
  (let [[pre post] (split-with #(not= x %) coll)]
    (concat (pre (rest post))))

On Jul 24, 11:41 am, nickikt <> wrote:
> Hallo all,
> I'm working trough Essentials of Programming Languages. I'm trying to
> right a function like this one:
> (defn scheme-remove-first [syb lst]
>   (if (empty? lst)
>     '()
>     (if (= (first lst) syb)
>       (rest lst)
>       (cons (first lst) (scheme-remove-first syb (rest lst))))))
> in a idiomatic clojure way (this is just a scheme to clojure 1:1
> version). I don't like that this function produces stack overflows.
> I tried some stuff but I it (almost) semantically correct working but
> I didn't like my code. Can anyone come up with a good version?

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