You can implement your own, prettu easily with deftype. However it can be tedious to track every methods, so we need a repl helper function to scaffold the code for us.
(defn scaffold [iface] (doseq [[iface methods] (->> iface .getMethods (map #(vector (.getName (.getDeclaringClass %)) (symbol (.getName %)) (count (.getParameterTypes %)))) (group-by first))] (println (str " " iface)) (doseq [[_ name argcount] methods] (println (str " " (list name (into ['this] (take argcount (repeatedly gensym))))))))) user=> (scaffold clojure.lang.IPersistentMap) clojure.lang.IPersistentMap (assoc [this G__441 G__442]) (without [this G__443]) (assocEx [this G__444 G__445]) java.lang.Iterable (iterator [this]) clojure.lang.Associative (containsKey [this G__446]) (assoc [this G__447 G__448]) (entryAt [this G__449]) clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection (count [this]) (cons [this G__450]) (empty [this]) (equiv [this G__451]) clojure.lang.Seqable (seq [this]) clojure.lang.ILookup (valAt [this G__452 G__453]) (valAt [this G__454]) clojure.lang.Counted (count [this]) nil Now you need to remove the duplicates (count and assoc), wrap everything in a deftype form and implement it: (including a new protocol fn to reverse a bidi map) (defprotocol ReversibleMap (rmap [m])) (defn- rdissoc [d r v] (if-let [[_ k] (find r v)] (dissoc d k) d)) (deftype Bimap [^clojure.lang.IPersistentMap direct reverse] Object (hashCode [x] (.hashCode direct)) (equals [x y] (.equals direct y)) clojure.lang.IPersistentMap (without [this k] (Bimap. (dissoc direct k) (rdissoc reverse direct k))) (assocEx [this k v] (if (or (contains? direct k) (contains? reverse v)) (throw (Exception. "Key or value already present")) (assoc this k v))) java.lang.Iterable (iterator [this] (.iterator direct)) clojure.lang.Associative (assoc [this k v] (Bimap. (assoc (rdissoc direct reverse v) k v) (assoc (rdissoc reverse direct k) v k))) (containsKey [this k] (contains? direct k)) (entryAt [this k] (find direct k)) clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection (cons [this x] (if-let [[k v] (and (vector? x) x)] (assoc this k v) (reduce (fn [m [k v]] (assoc m k v)) this x))) (empty [this] (.empty direct)) (equiv [this x] (.equiv direct x)) clojure.lang.Seqable (seq [this] (seq direct)) clojure.lang.ILookup (valAt [this k else] (direct k else)) (valAt [this k] (direct k)) clojure.lang.Counted (count [this] (count direct)) ReversibleMap (rmap [this] (Bimap. reverse direct))) (defn bimap [& kvs] (reduce (fn [m [k v]] (assoc m k v)) (Bimap. {} {}) (partition 2 kvs))) Some quick tests: user=> (assoc (bimap :a 1 :b 2) [:c 3] [:d 4] [:e 5]) {[:e 5] nil, [:c 3] [:d 4], :b 2, :a 1} user=> (assoc (bimap :a 1 :b 2) :c 3 :d 4 :e 5) {:e 5, :d 4, :c 3, :b 2, :a 1} user=> (assoc (bimap :a 1 :b 2) :c 3 :d 2 :e 5) {:e 5, :d 2, :c 3, :a 1} user=> (dissoc *1 :d) {:e 5, :c 3, :a 1} user=> (rmap *1) {5 :e, 3 :c, 1 :a} user=> (assoc *1 2 :c) {2 :c, 5 :e, 1 :a} hth, Christophe On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 8:16 AM, Sunil S Nandihalli <> wrote: > A bimap is a map where each elements of the pair can be used as key to > access it.. > Sunil. > > > On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Sunil S Nandihalli < >> wrote: > >> Hello everybody, >> >> Is there something like a bimap in clojure? I know I can have two regular >> hash-maps .. but I was wondering if there is a better implementation..? >> >> a similar implementation in c++ is >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> Sunil. >> > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google > Groups "Clojure" group. > To post to this group, send email to > Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with > your first post. > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to ><> > For more options, visit this group at > > -- Professional: (fr) On Clojure: (en) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at