Both `describe` and `it` create functions.  That is, they expand out
to `(fn [] ...)`.  Wrapping `binding` around the creation of a fn has
no effect.

For finer control over where the fn gets created and how failures get
reported, you can use `do-it` and `expect`.

(describe ...
  (do-it ...
    (binding ...
      (expect ...)))

This will produce the results you're looking for.

-Stuart Sierra

On Dec 14, 11:13 am, fuchsd <> wrote:
> Howdy,
> I asked this on #clojure and posted a question on Stackoverflow
> (
> lazytest-describe-test), but no dice.  I'm assuming that it's because
> this is so simple and I'm doing it so incorrectly that nobody can even
> begin to formulate a response.  Feel free to tell me to go back and re-
> R all TFMs ;)
> First of all, sorry if I am screwing up some terminology; I'm pretty
> new to Clojure. I am trying to write a very simple test using Lazytest
> that depends on a var binding. I can not seem to rebind a var in the
> test file and have the code under test use that binding.
> Here is the code I am trying to test:
> (ns liar-liar.core
>   (:gen-class))
> (def *input-file-name*)
> (defn parse-input
>   "Just print return a var for now..."
>   []
>   *input-file-name*)
> (defn -main [& args]
>   (binding [*input-file-name* (first args)]
>     (println (parse-input))))
> And here is the test:
> (ns liar-liar.test.core
>   (:use lazytest.describe)
>   (:use liar-liar.core))
> (binding [*input-file-name* "my-input-file"]
>   (describe parse-input "Just returns a var"
>     (it "returns a var"
>       (= "my-input-file" (parse-input)))))
> When I try to run this test, I get this error:
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Var liar-liar.core/*input-file-name*
> is unbound.
> Interestingly enough, if I move the binding form:
> (ns liar-liar.test.core
>   (:use lazytest.describe)
>   (:use liar-liar.core))
> (describe parse-input "Just returns a var"
>   (it "returns a var"
>     (binding [*input-file-name* "my-input-file"]
>       (= "FAIL" (parse-input)))))
> The test works as it should, but the reporting isn't ideal, as it
> doesn't print the value of the (parse-input) expression (the test
> passes if I replace "FAIL" with "my-input-file" though):
> FAILURE: Namespaces liar-liar.test.core #'liar-liar.core/parse-input
> Just returns a var returns a var
> at liar_liar/test/core.clj line 7
> Expression: (binding [*input-file-name* my-input-file] (= FAIL (parse-
> input)))
> Result: false
> Local bindings:
> {}
> Is there some other way I should be going about doing this kind of
> testing?
> Thanks! Dan

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