Since Ken doesn't mention it explicitly: there's a difference between
vec and vector. (vec x) returns a vector containing all the elements
of x - a vector "view" of x, I think the doc mentions. (vector x)
returns a vector containing the single element x.

On Dec 20, 1:33 pm, Ken Wesson <> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Anclj <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have some questions related with maps and vectors, if someone can
> > help me I will appreciate it a lot.
> > I have a vector like:
> > ["a1" "a2" "a3" "b1" "b2" "b3" "c1" "c2" "c3"]
> > And I would like to have:
> > [["a1" "a2" "a3"] ["b1" "b2" "b3"] ["c1" "c2" "c3"]]
> user=> (into [] (map vec (partition 3 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])))
> [[1 2 3]
>  [4 5 6]
>  [7 8 9]]
> > I have a map that represents provinces and seats, like this:
> > {"p1" "5", "p2" "8", "p3" "13", "p4" "11"}
> > Which means that in "p1" 5 seats will be distributed, 8 for "p2", and
> > so on.
> > And a vector where its elements are vectors formed by a political
> > party, a province and the votes he got. Like this:
> > [["A" "p1" "32"] ["B" "p1" "55"] ["A" "p2" "77"] ["B" "p2" "21"] ...]
> > I need, for each province, to distribute the seats among the parties
> > according to the number of votes following this rule:
> > For each party, i should get a lazy sequence with the values of:
> > #votes/1, #votes/2, #votes/3, #votes/4, ...
> > So, in this example, for the "p1" province I would have:
> > For A party: 32, 16, 32/3, 8, ...
> > And for B party: 55, 55/2, 55/3, 55/4, ...
> (map #(/ votes %) (iterate inc 1))
> > I'm not familiar with Clojure, and I don't know how to use many
> > functions. Any reference to high-level functions that I should use,
> > and how to use them will be appreciated.
> Hope the above gets you started. Obviously it won't do any more than
> that -- partly because I don't have much time right now and partly
> because I suspect I might be doing your homework for you if I went
> much further. :)

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