A literal set is a unordered hash-set. To get the factors in order
change #{f} for (sorted-set f).

On Jan 13, 7:09 am, Vitaly Peressada <vit...@ufairsoft.com> wrote:
> The following solution by <b>mtgred</b> for <a href="http://clojure-
> euler.wikispaces.com/">Project Euler Clojure</a> problem 003 uses
> implicit recursion.
> <pre>
> (use '[clojure.contrib.lazy-seqs :only (primes)])
> (defn prime-factors [n]
>   (let [f (some #(if (= 0 (rem n %)) %) primes)]
>     (if (= f n) #{f} (conj (prime-factors (/ n f)) f))))
> (apply max (prime-factors 600851475143))
> </pre>
> Here is above with added println
> (defn prime-factors [n]
>   (let [f (some #(if (= 0 (rem n %)) %) primes)]
>     (println "n:" n ", f:" f)
>     (if (= f n)
>       #{f}
>       (conj (prime-factors (/ n f)) f))))
> Which produces
> n: 600851475143 , f: 71
> n: 8462696833 , f: 839
> n: 10086647 , f: 1471
> n: 6857 , f: 6857
> #{71 839 6857 1471}
> Can anybody explain why 6857 comes 3rd? I would expect to be the last.

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