Hi everyone,

let's play a round of golf. I am currently implementing associative
destructuring for ClojureJS while trying not to peek into clojure.core
too often -- which wouldn't make things much easier since the
'destructure fn is a huge beast.

After a few tries I've come up with the following algorithm to
transform :keys syntax into normal destructuring syntax, but am still
appalled by its complexity:

(let [vmap {'y :y, 'z :z :keys ['a 'b]}]
  (->> vmap
    ((juxt :keys :strs :syms))
    (apply concat)
    (mapcat #(vector % (keyword %)))
    (apply hash-map)))

==> {a :a, b :b}

There has got to be a prettier/more efficient way! I'm open to
suggestions :-)



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