Now try writing two mutually-recursive functions. In Scheme (as I
understand it) that will get optimized into a jump from one function
to the other, while in Clojure it will use the stack.

On Jan 26, 1:10 pm, Armando Blancas <> wrote:
> From SICP: "With a tail-recursive implementation, iteration can be
> expressed using the ordinary procedure call mechanism". As I
> understand this, a tail call is a loop with functional notation but
> not actually a function call. That's why I find this issue difficult
> to follow, since loops are internal details of a function/method and
> don't get involved with calls, stack frames, access security, or how
> the jit-compiled code may or may not be optimized. So there's
> something key here that I'm missing.
> In a little project of mine I plan on doing this (hand-coded with ASM
> as my compiler doesn't do TCO yet). That seems to work but I wonder
> what issues may come up.
> int fact(int n, int r) {
>   if (n == 0) return r;
>   else return fact(n-1, n*r);}
>    0:   iload_0
>    1:   ifne    6
>    4:   iload_1
>    5:   ireturn
>    6:   iload_0
>    7:   istore_2 // temp for n
>    8:   iload_2
>    9:   iconst_1
>    10:  isub
>    11:  istore_0
>    12:  iload_2
>    13:  iload_1
>    14:  imul
>    15:  istore_1
>    16:  goto    0
> On Jan 26, 11:20 am, Luc Prefontaine <>
> wrote:
> > From what I recall from a previous thread it would require so much byte 
> > code tweaking that
> > Hot Spot optimizations would become useless.
> > You can search the mailing list, you will find a couple of instructive 
> > discussions
> > about this.
> > Luc P.
> > On Wed, 26 Jan 2011 10:01:04 -0800
> > Raoul Duke <> wrote:
> > > On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 7:41 AM, Michael Gardner
> > > <> wrote:
> > > > However, the JVM does not support tail-call optimization.
> > > > Apparently Clojure can't support implicit TCO without support from
> > > > the JVM
> > > always wondered about that also wrt scala etc., am under the
> > > impression that it is implementable, but it would be too slow?
> > --
> > Luc P.
> > ================
> > The rabid Muppet

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