This is my attempt:

(defn record? [a]
  (and (map? a) (not (instance? clojure.lang.APersistentMap a))))

(defmethod print-dup clojure.lang.IPersistentMap [m, ^Writer w]
  (if (record? m)
    (do (.write w "#=(")
        (print-dup (class m) w) (.write w ". ")
        (doall (map #(do (print-dup % w) (.write w " ")) (map second (seq
        (.write w ")")
      (#'clojure.core/print-meta m w)
      (.write w "#=(")
      (.write w (.getName (class m)))
      (.write w "/create ")
      (#'clojure.core/print-map m print-dup w)
      (.write w ")"))))

;;used from
(defn frm-save
 "Save a clojure form to file."
  [file form]
  (with-open [w (
                 (if (instance? File file) file (File. file)))]
    (binding [*out* w *print-dup* true] (prn form))))

(defn frm-load
  "Load a clojure form from file."
  (with-open [r (
     ( (if (instance? File file) file (File.
     (let [rec (read r)]

However, it appears that the reader cant read classes
For example

(defrecord Foo [a])
(frm-save "/home/seth/Desktop/test" (Foo. 2))
(frm-load "/home/seth/Desktop/test")

Another problem is that it saves it as the ns it is in, for example my-
ns.Foo, and when you reload it it wont find my-ns.Foo unless you have
required it. But, editing the test file to just output

#=(#=foo. 2 3 )

and then loading that throws a class not found exception.

Any general way to print-dup these records?

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