   I've written clj-ldap which is a thin layer on the unboundid ldap
sdk and allows clojure programs to talk to ldap servers. I'm keen to
get feedback on API and am happy to change it if needed.

(ns example
  (:require [clj-ldap.client :as ldap]))

(def ldap-server (ldap/connect {:host "ldap.example.com"}))

(ldap/get ldap-server "cn=dude,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com")

  ;; Returns a map such as
  {:gidNumber "2000"
   :loginShell "/bin/bash"
   :objectClass #{"inetOrgPerson" "posixAccount" "shadowAccount"}
   :mail "d...@example.com"
   :sn "Dudeness"
   :cn "dude"
   :uid "dude"
   :homeDirectory "/home/dude"}

The library provides access to the connection pooling, load balancing,
and failover facilities of the SDK. It supports ldaps and the
operations get, add, delete, modify and search. It also supports
spooling search results to reduce memory usage.

Better documentation of Exceptions and error codes.
Support for the increment operation in modify
Support for LDAP controls

Github project:  https://github.com/alienscience/clj-ldap


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