On Mar 3, 3:56 pm, Timothy Baldridge <tbaldri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know we have Scriptjure. But has there been any concentrated effort
> to port Clojure to JS? This may sound odd, but personally I would love
> to use Clojure in the browser. Scriptjure would work fairly well, but
> from what I see, it doesn't support persistent maps and instead relies
> on JS objects.

Not as far as I know. Scripture is extremely limited; it's only a lisp-
like wrapper on basic javascript that just happens to have names like
clojure's. For instance, there's not even "real" (if ....), (let ..),
no automatic returns etc.

Its possible to do a real port of clojure that sort of does the basics
right, but that would be a lot more involved than just translating
source code.


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