I'm having problems calling clojure code from Java. Basically I deftype'd

(deftype HexSolver []
  (solve [this grid] (search (process-grid grid))))

and somewhere near the top of that file file

(defn search [foo] ...)

the very top places this in the namepsace (:ns hexadoku (:gen-class)).

Now calling this I get the following backtrace:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Var
hexadoku/search is unbound.
at clojure.lang.Var.deref(Var.java:142)
at clojure.lang.Var.get(Var.java:133)
at hexadoku.HexSolver.solve(hexadoku.clj:128)

This is from another project, that includes the hexadoku.jar.

Do I have to do some explicit export to use the function from a deftype or
is this some library loading problem?

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