Hi all,

I'm currntly writing a build system based on clojure. On this way I defined a 
record called Dependency:

(defrecord Dependency [aspect project runtime dev transitive]

Lateron I try to create lib directories (lib/aspect, lib/project, lib/runtime 
...). So it would be nice, if there is a possibility to express this based on 
the above defined record keys - sth. like:

(doseq [mykey (keys Dependency)] 
    (ant/mkdir {:dir (str lib "/" (name mykey))}))

Is there a nifty way in clojure to access such "static record information"?

Kind regards,
Informatikbüro Jerger http://www.jerger.org
Zeppelinstr. 13, D-72770 Reutlingen

fon: +49-7121-578913 mob: +49-178-8189878

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