I don't think it's flexible enough to attach this to the connection. I
work with databases where some groups of tables really need different
naming strategies than others so I would definitely want these
conversions available per operation - which is how c.j.j naming
strategies currently work so it would be easy enough for folks to
build something like Phlex suggests on top of what's already in c.j.j.

So it sounds like it would be useful to expose c.j.j's internal
resultset-seq* function?

And given it's default behavior matches the core version, exposing it
with the same name seems reasonable too since it won't break anyone's
code (right?).


On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Phlex <ph...@telenet.be> wrote:
> On 3/05/2011 23:58, Allen Johnson wrote:
>> IMHO c.j.j/resultset-seq should perform something like the following:
>> ;; i want my columns as strings exactly how they are in the db
>> (resultset-seq rs)
>> (resultset-seq rs identity)
>> ;; i want my columns as lower-case keywords
>> (resultset-seq rs (comp keyword lower-case))
>> ;; i want my columns as upper-case symbols
>> (resultset-seq rs (comp symbol upper-case))
>> With the existing c.c/resultset-seq, I found myself converting the
>> keys back to strings in order to pass those results to some existing
>> Java code and templates for further processing. Most of the time the
>> lower-cased keyword keys were just fine.
>> Just my $0.02
>> Allen
> It would definitely be a plus to have some facilities for conversion from/to
> clojure coding standard.
> Not only for result sets but also for update functions and so on.
> I personally would prefer this as a default :
> customer_id -> :customer-id (and the reverse)
> In a perfect world, it indeed would be best to have some control over this.
> Maybe add this context as parameters to the connection object ?
> (with-connection {:classname "org.postgresql.driver"
>            :subprotocol "postgresql"
>            :subname (str "//" db-host ":" db-port "/" db-name)
>            :user user
>            :password password
>            :field-names {:from-sql pascal-case->clojure ; or something like
> this : (field-name-converter-fn :underscores :clojure-keyword)
>                      :to-sql clojure->pascal-case}}
>    (do-stuff))
> field-name-converter-fn being a multi-method returning a lambda that does
> the conversion. One would be able to add his own methods, or simply use the
> identity function.
> Sacha

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