I'm all for simplifying clojure.
Even if Lein is great... If clojure is heavily biased and saddled by yet 
another framework/build system , it will never go mainstream.

Jay Vyas 

On Jul 29, 2011, at 12:32 AM, clojure+nore...@googlegroups.com wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group: http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/topics
> format and printf can't be used with BigInt [2 Updates]
> clojure.contrib.command-line [2 Updates]
> Java 7 is out! [1 Update]
> Problem with ClojureScript and Node.js [2 Updates]
> better community docs: getting started [1 Update]
> dynamically generated let bindings [1 Update]
> Pair Coding over Skype [1 Update]
> passing value to functions [1 Update]
> Libraries and build management hell [3 Updates]
>  Topic: format and printf can't be used with BigInt
> Sean Corfield <seancorfi...@gmail.com> Jul 28 04:28PM -0700 ^
> >> Chas has already pointed you at the rationale / discussion but I'm a
> > Discussions about primitive arithmetic, not BigInteger arithmetic.
> I take it you didn't actually bother to read the page he linked to?
> Let me quote the relevant part for you since I know how averse you are
> to spending any time reading more than the first few lines of any
> material that people link to:
> * new clojure.lang.BigInt class
> * BigInts do not auto-reduce, and are contagious (akin to doubles)
> * BigInts will enable optimizations when fits in long
> * optimzations not yet in place
> * unlike BigInteger, BigInt has consistent hashcodes with Long,
> through range of long
> > That'd be my position, yes. Also, backward compatibility: format works
> > in 1.2 with (* 400000000000 400000000000 400000000000) so it should
> > work in 1.3 with (* 400000000000 400000000000 400000000000).
> Kinda hard since that expression is not valid in 1.3 anyway:
> ArithmeticException integer overflow
> clojure.lang.Numbers.throwIntOverflow (Numbers.java:1374)
> So that code breaks explicitly in 1.3 and in many ways (format) is
> then the least of your worries...
> >> Might be worth opening a JIRA ticket for enhancing format, yes?
> > You go ahead. I don't have an account there.
> Ah, that's right... the contributor process is too much work for
> you... Maybe one of the kind souls who've taken the time to go thru
> that process might feel inclined to open such a ticket for you? If
> they agree with your position, of course.
> -- 
> Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
> An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/
> World Singles, LLC. -- http://worldsingles.com/
> Railo Technologies, Inc. -- http://www.getrailo.com/
> "Perfection is the enemy of the good."
> -- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)
> Sean Corfield <seancorfi...@gmail.com> Jul 28 04:30PM -0700 ^
> I think one of the authors / core members needs to change the
> permissions. I have edit access on the parent page
> http://dev.clojure.org/display/doc/Enhanced+Primitive+Support and the
> sibling page http://dev.clojure.org/display/doc/Bit+Operations but,
> like you, don't have view access to the Numerics page.
> Sean
>  Topic: clojure.contrib.command-line
> octopusgrabbus <octopusgrab...@gmail.com> Jul 28 03:37PM -0700 ^
> Are there any command-line examples or documentation other than what's
> up on clojure.org or ClojureDocs?
> I'm using
> (defn -main [& args]
> (with-command-line args
> "Get csv file name"
> [[in-file-name ".csv input file name" "resultset.csv" ]]
> [[in-file-name ".csv input file name" 1]]
> (println "in-file-name:", in-file-name)
> If I specify a file name it does not get used. Only resultset.csv is
> used.
> tnx
> cmn
> Anthony Grimes <disciplera...@gmail.com> Jul 28 04:24PM -0700 ^
> command-line is deprecated in favor of tools.cli now. 
> http://github.com/clojure/tools.cli
>  Topic: Java 7 is out!
> Sean Corfield <seancorfi...@gmail.com> Jul 28 04:14PM -0700 ^
> > So, what does it means for Clojure?
> It's not going to mean anything for a long time. Clojure still
> supports Java 5 so it is probably going to be years before Java 7 is
> mainstream enough that Clojure can _require_ it.
> -- 
> Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
> An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/
> World Singles, LLC. -- http://worldsingles.com/
> Railo Technologies, Inc. -- http://www.getrailo.com/
> "Perfection is the enemy of the good."
> -- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)
>  Topic: Problem with ClojureScript and Node.js
> Anthony Grimes <disciplera...@gmail.com> Jul 28 03:32PM -0700 ^
> I'm all of a sudden getting this exact same error on OS X 10.6.8. And I do 
> mean all of a sudden. I actually updated to this version of OS X last night 
> and today it isn't working. Is this happening to any OS X users on an older 
> Snow Leopard? This is the only thing that has changed in my setup, so I'm 
> actually starting to wonder if it might have something to do with that.
> Anthony Grimes <disciplera...@gmail.com> Jul 28 04:10PM -0700 ^
> Actually, it seems to be caused by this 
> commit: 
> https://github.com/clojure/clojurescript/commit/954e8529b1ec814f40af77d6035f90e93a9126ea
> If I checkout before that, everything is peachy. I guess I'll submit a bug 
> report.
>  Topic: better community docs: getting started
> uMany <elm...@gmail.com> Jul 28 03:57PM -0700 ^
> I'm a total newbie with Clojure/Lisp/Java/Cake/Lein/Emacs etc.
> But I want to help translating to Spanish.
> If you tell me where can I find instructions to do it I will with
> pleasure.
> By the way, I've been fighting with Emacs/Clojure and everything else.
> It has been frustrating but I've learn a lot and I like to learn. So
> for me, I don't give up. I wont give up. I just want to program in
> Clojure no matter what just because I like it.
> Manuel
>  Topic: dynamically generated let bindings
> Sam Aaron <samaa...@gmail.com> Jul 28 11:48PM +0100 ^
> Hi there,
> I'm trying to create a fn which does the following:
> * returns a fn which takes an arbitrary number of args
> * calls a helper fn, passing the incoming args returning a vector of 
> alternating symbols and vals
> * creates a let form using the vector of alternating symbols and vals 
> returned by the helper fn as the bindings
> * contains some inner form that makes use of the bindings
> i.e. is it possible to implement something that allows the following to work:
> (defn binding-vec 
> [args]
> ['size (count args)])
> (defn mk-dynamically-bound-fn
> [form]
> ;; returns a fn with sign [& args] which
> ;; uses binding-vec to create a the vec for
> ;; which a let statement binds around form
> )
> (def a (mk-dynamically-bound-fn '(+ size 10)))
> (a 1 2 3 4) ;=> 14 (the number of args + 10)
> Please let me know if I'm being a bit crazy with the question. It's totally 
> possible that I'm barking up the wrong tree with this line of enquiry.
> Sam
> ---
> http://sam.aaron.name
>  Topic: Pair Coding over Skype
> nil <ache...@gmail.com> Jul 28 02:37PM -0700 ^
> Until you find someone, one site you can look at is the clojure euler
> site. It has some math examples written by folks who know clojure to
> varying degrees. You can see different ways of tackling a given
> problem.
>  Topic: passing value to functions
> Tuba Lambanog <tuba.lamba...@gmail.com> Jul 28 03:32PM -0600 ^
> Hi, Laurent,
> Your suggestion of manually piping intermediate results works. Thank you
> very much!
> Tuba
>  Topic: Libraries and build management hell
> Michal B <mibu.cloj...@gmail.com> Jul 28 02:23PM -0700 ^
> Why does it have to be so complicated to use libraries?
> To use libraries, you need to learn how to operate half a dozen build tools 
> and git because each library author distributes their library differently. 
> If figuring out how to install an IDE with clojure wasn't bad enough, now 
> you need to figure out how to install and use each of the tools with it.
> I'm not saying build tools are useless, on the contrary. It's just that most 
> of the time, we want to sling two or three libraries together and code. 
> Right? There is no need to start a project with a bunch of template files 
> and an elaborate directory structure and to start configuring dependencies 
> and to rely on some magic happening that makes your program run.
> I think we over-engineered the build process to support the big projects and 
> forgot the common case. Most projects are simple.
> Let's remove this incidental complexity by returning to simplicity. Keep the 
> build tools for the heavyweights and get back in touch with your libraries.
> Instead of having a complicated installation guide for your library, have a 
> Download section in your site. Have there a link to the latest stable 
> version of your library as a jar file or, if necessary, a zip file with your 
> jar and and all the necessary dependency jars (sane library authors won't 
> mind). For a zip, shortly describe what's in it - library names and 
> versions, and links to their sites. That's it.
> I think most JVM users know or can quickly figure out how to take jars and 
> put them in their project's classpath. It's simple to do with all IDEs (or 
> without one) and there is no need to learn or install additional software or 
> edit configuration files. Starter scripts should include in the classpath 
> all jars in the current directory or jars/ directory by default.
> Instead of managing libraries inside a dependencies file, you do it directly 
> with the jar files. If the project gets too big, bring in the build tools.
> What are your thoughts on this issue?
> Timothy Baldridge <tbaldri...@gmail.com> Jul 28 04:30PM -0500 ^
> > Why does it have to be so complicated to use libraries?
> I used to think it was hard until I read up on lein. Can't get much
> simpler than clojars and lein:
> http://clojars.org/
> http://alexott.net/en/clojure/ClojureLein.html
> Now I'm starting to think that I actually like the lein method over
> python easy_install or ruby gems.
> Timothy
> -- 
> “One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was
> that–lacking zero–they had no way to indicate successful termination
> of their C programs.”
> (Robert Firth)
> gaz jones <gareth.e.jo...@gmail.com> Jul 28 04:31PM -0500 ^
> i would agree with all that if i were writing plain java (a lib dir
> for dependencies and a couple of shell scripts for building etc), but
> leiningen makes it so easy for clojure that its more work _not_ to use
> it... at least that has been my experience.
> -- 
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