Michal B <mibu.cloj...@gmail.com> writes:

> To use libraries, you need to learn how to operate half a dozen build
> tools and git because each library author distributes their library
> differently. 

There is a simple de facto standard, which in typical Clojure-style
we've inherited from the Java community for the sake of
interoperability.  Library authors publish a jar file (which is just a
zip of the Clojure source code) to a HTTP repository which has a
directory structure following the Maven repository conventions.

People don't necessarily have to use Maven, often they use Leiningen or
Cake and sometimes they don't use a build tool at all.  You can
certainly do it by hand or with a shell script easily enough.

A popular repository for open source community libraries is Clojars,
although some projects like to host their own or use Maven Central.

Often companies will have an internal repository which could just be
on a directory on a network share somewhere.  Some use repository
software like Nexus or a local instance of the Clojars webapp, but
that's strictly optional.

> If figuring out how to install an IDE with clojure wasn't bad enough,
> now you need to figure out how to install and use each of the tools
> with it.

No you don't.  Let's suppose we want to add the robert.hooke library to
our project without any build tools.

1. Goto http://clojars.org/.

2. Click "browse the repository" (down the bottom).

3. Click "robert".

4. Click "hooke".

5. Click "1.1.2".

6. Click "hooke-1.1.2.jar" and save the jar file to your project.

The repository is really nothing more than a bunch of directories
each containing a jar files and another file containing a list of
dependencies.  I'm not sure how you could make it any simpler.

Admittedly Clojars' is not perfectly user-friendly and the search and
browse could do with improving.  I'm not currently motivated to do this
work myself (due to lack of time, UI design not being my passion and
that it's currently "good enough" for me personally to live with) but
the code is open source and I'm happy to take patches that do so.

I'm actually kind of hoping that eventually someone with time and vision
will come along and slowly take it over.  I created Clojars to scratch
an itch: I was just really unhappy with the existing options.  I
maintain it in the sense of keeping it running, but it really is pretty

I really hate thinking about build tools and dependencies, I just want
them to work and get out of my way.  Unfortunately that means at work I
often end up being the "build/deployment guy" just because I'm the
first one to gets sufficiently annoyed to go and do something about it.

> Instead of having a complicated installation guide for your library,
> have a Download section in your site. Have there a link to the latest
> stable version of your library as a jar file or, if necessary, a zip
> file with your jar and and all the necessary dependency jars (sane
> library authors won't mind). For a zip, shortly describe what's in it
> - library names and versions, and links to their sites. That's it.

This actually is exactly how most Clojure libraries were distributed
before the creation of Leiningen.  Maven of course existed and some
people who had a strong Java background were using it but many were
quickly put off by its verbosity, steep learning curve, poor
documentation and lack of transparency.

So what you describe is exactly what you'd get: ad-hoc heterogeneously
structured downloads with an accompanying zip or tarball full of jar
dependencies if you were lucky.

Said zip files could vary wildly, but could contain something like:


Too bad if you want to know what version a dependency is.  Often the
clojure and contrib jars were just some random snapshot of SVN (this was
before the move to Github).  Maybe the library author even modified them
themselves so they didn't match a mainline version at all.

Even for small projects I would argue this is not simpler, it's more

Now you could argue that it would be quite handy for people who want to
avoid tools and configuration files if there was a web site that
automatically generated a zip containing a jar and all of its
dependencies for download in one go.  I can see myself using such a
thing from time to time but not for my primary programming.

There are some minor security and legal issues (eg license
compatibility), but I would be happy take a patch to Clojars that added
or integrated with it.  It really is just moving the dependency
management tool from being client-side to server-side though.

> Instead of managing libraries inside a dependencies file, you do it
> directly with the jar files. If the project gets too big, bring in the
> build tools.
> What are your thoughts on this issue?

I think automated dependency management is a necessary evil unless you
basically don't reuse code.  I don't particularly like dependency
management.  I don't particularly like build tools in general.  But I
really don't want to turn back the clock to the time before we (the
Clojure community) used it.  That was even worse.

Hopefully some bright spark will come along and revolutionise dependency
management, like how Rich revolutionised the notion of state in
programming.  As far as I'm aware nobody has so far, for any programming
language (or OS distro), I'm not completely happy with any of them.

It needs more hammock time.

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