Hi all,

I have been working with Phil on the packaging of Leiningen for Debian and it
has just been uploaded into the archive. The installation on most Debian
versions is pretty painless:


    # apt-get install leiningen


You can easily backport the packages from sid and install them locally.

1. Add backports and sid sources to your sources.list:

   deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main
   deb-src http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/ sid main

2. Update

    # apt-get update

3. Compile/Install clojure1.2, libclucy-clojure, librobert-hooke-clojure and 

    # mkdir -p src/debian ; cd src/debian

    # apt-get build-dep clojure1.2
    # apt-get source -b clojure1.2
    # dpkg -i clojure1.2*.deb

    # apt-get build-dep libclucy-clojure
    # apt-get source -b libclucy-clojure
    # dpkg -i libclucy-clojure*.deb

    # apt-get build-dep librobert-hooke-clojure-clojure
    # apt-get source -b librobert-hooke-clojure-clojure
    # dpkg -i librobert-hooke-clojure*.deb

    # apt-get build-dep leiningen
    # apt-get source -b leiningen
    # dpkg -i leiningen*.deb

That should be it. I would expect leiningen to be available in Ubuntu soonish.
Have fun and please report all bugs you can find (preferrably with patches ;)
Wolodja <babi...@gmail.com>

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