That's a great explanation Baishampayan, thanks !


On 09/08/2011 10:43, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
>> Do you happen to have any simple descriptions/examples of where and
>> how we might use this stuff in our daily programming repertoires? I
>> for one am sure I'm not educated enough as to the value and utility
>> of pattern matching - at the moment I just think "that looks cool"
>> rather than "I'm definitely going to use that to do X and Y".
> To me pattern matching is the bee's knees :) If you have a lot of 
> functions where you check the input for some certain type of value
> and then perform some action depending on the value(s), then pattern 
> matching can be very useful. It's used extensively in Erlang and 
> Haskell among others.
> For example, say you have a function `decide` -
> (defn decide "A very simple example using cond" [x y] (cond (= x
> :foo) (do-foo y) (= x :bar) (do-bar y) :else (do-default y)))
> I expect two arguments x & y and depending on the value of `x`, I 
> would like to call the functions `do-foo`, `do-bar` or `do-default` 
> with the value of `y`.
> See how the code is riddled with the conditional checks and my 
> business logic (the part I care the most about). Using 
> pattern-matching, I can write the above code a bit more succinctly 
> like this -
> (defn decide "A very simple example using match" [x y] (match [x y] 
> [:foo arg] (do-foo arg) [:bar arg] (do-bar arg) [_ arg] (do-default
> arg)))
> The above code is *much* clearer and conveys the exact logic that I
> am trying to implement. Internally `match` will rewrite the above to
> an optimised bit of code which uses `cond`.
> If I am feeling adventurous, I can write a simple macro which will
> let me define the same function in an even more succinct manner like
> this -
> (defm decide "A very simple example" ([:foo arg] (do-foo arg)) ([:bar
> arg] (do-bar arg)) ([_ arg] (do-default arg)))
> A sample implementation of the `defm` macro used above could be 
> something like this (UNTESTED!) -
> (defmacro defm [name & fdecl] (let [m (if (string? (first fdecl)) 
> {:doc (first fdecl)} {}) fdecl (if (string? (first fdecl)) (next
> fdecl) fdecl) argcount (count (ffirst fdecl)) args (vec (repeatedly
> argcount (partial gensym "arg__"))) body (apply concat (for [decl
> fdecl] (if (nnext decl) (cons (first decl) (list (cons `do (next
> decl)))) decl)))] `(defn ~name ~m ~args (match ~args ~@body))))
> It's even more awesome when you bring in complex maps, etc. into the
> picture.
> I personally believe that David and Ambrose are doing some
> incredible work with match & core.logic; these two projects will
> prove be extremely useful in the future.
> Regards, BG

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