It's great to hear so many useful responses/tips -- it's really
helpful for people who is leaning Clojure, especially for a beginner
like me. Thank you all! -:)

On Aug 14, 12:45 am, jaime <> wrote:
> I found an interesting function "identity" which will do nothing but
> only returns the parameter passed to it. The next minute I came up a
> question: "then what's the purpose of this function?" -- I've tried to
> figure out reasons of existence of "identity".
> The only reason that I can imagine is this: because we often use
> higher-order functions, these higher-order functions will accept
> functions as its parameters, in such a situation, when we want to use
> a higher-order function but don't want to pass any "real" functions to
> it, then we can use function like "identity" and "identity" here is
> just to fill the role of parameter of higher-order function.
> Guys, is my guess correct or not? Are there other reasons for
> identity's existence?? Are there other functions for the same purpose?
> Thanks,
> Jaime

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