Tassilo Horn <tass...@member.fsf.org> writes:

Now I'm really a bit confused.  I've just added atom counters and
increased them in the comparison functions in order to check if the lazy
variants really test less than the standard sort.

> A better solution [that doesn't overrun the stack] seems to be to use
> a sequence comprehension [instead of filter/remove]:
> (defn sort-parts
>   "Lazy, tail-recursive, incremental quicksort. Works against
>   and creates partitions based on the pivot, defined as 'work'."
>   [work]
>   (lazy-seq
>    (loop [[part & parts] work]
>      (if-let [[pivot & xs] (seq part)]
>        (let [smaller? #(< % pivot)]
>          (recur (list*
>                  (for [x xs :when (smaller? x)] x)
>                  pivot
>                  (for [x xs :when ((complement smaller?) x)] x)
>                  parts)))
>        (when-let [[x & parts] parts]
>          (cons x (sort-parts parts)))))))
> (defn qsort [xs]
>   (sort-parts (list xs)))

(take 2 (qsort [1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5])) executes #(< % pivot) 42 times.
[I replaced the compare fn with #(do (swap! q1 inc) (< % pivot)) to get
to this result where q1 was (atom 0) initially.]

> (defn qsort2 [xs]
>   (lazy-seq
>    (when (seq xs)
>      (let [[p & r] xs]
>        (concat (qsort (for [y r :when (<  y p)] y))
>                [p]
>                (qsort (for [y r :when (>= y p)] y)))))))

(take 2 (qsort2 [1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5])) executes the 2 :when predicates
only 16 times in total.  [Same counting approach as above.]

The standard sort function given #(do (swap! q3 inc) (compare %1 %2)) as
its comparison function compares 21 times.

So my simple qsort2 seems to have saved 5 comparisons.  But the adapted
JoC-version takes twice as many comparisons as the standart sort of the
whole seq!  Why is that?

Then I tried sorting the complete seq using my qsort2 instead of only
taking the two first items.  That also takes 16 comparisons, but well,
that's clear because of the min-max structure of the vector.  Taking
only the first item takes only 8 comparisons as it should.

So it seems, qsort is flawed, and the difference in comparisons between
qsort2 and sort when sorting the complete seq is that the latter uses
merge-sort, not quick-sort, right?

But what I don't understand is why qsort, although it compares nearly
thrice as often than qsort2, is still about as fast as qsort2.

I'd really appreciate if someone could share some light.


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