Hello All,

I am trying to add some functionality to http-client.  Basically, I need the
ability to do get requests on a server while ignoring ssl errors.  Once I
figure out how to get it working, I'll put it up on github and people can
pull it if they'd like.

I am working from a fork of http-client that has support for cookies,
located here: https://github.com/r0man/clj-http/commits/cookies

I used r0man's changes (
as an example of what I needed to change in order to add "ssl error ignore"

I used some java wisdom from stackoverflow (
to ignore ssl errors.

I came up with this:


  (:use [clj-http.cookies :only (wrap-cookies)]
        [clj-http.noauth :only (wrap-noauth)])))
(defn wrap-request
  "Returns a battaries-included HTTP request function coresponding to the
   core client. See client/client."
  (-> request

I put wrap-noauth (which might have been a bad name) at the beginning
because it takes the old client and actually returns a new one:


(ns clj-http.noauth
  "Allows client to ignore some SSL errors (only use in dev!)"
  (:import (javax.net.ssl HostnameVerifier HttpsURLConnection))
  (:import (org.apache.http.conn.ssl SSLSocketFactory X509HostnameVerifier))
  (:import (org.apache.http.conn.scheme Scheme SchemeRegistry))
  (:import (org.apache.http.impl.client DefaultHttpClient))
  (:import (org.apache.http.impl.conn SingleClientConnManager)))

(defn wrap-noauth [client]
  (fn [req]
    (if (:noauth req)
      (let [registry (SchemeRegistry.)
            hostname-verifier SSLSocketFactory/ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER
            socket-factory (SSLSocketFactory/getSocketFactory)
            _ (.setHostnameVerifier
                socket-factory hostname-verifier)
            _ (.register registry (Scheme. "https" socket-factory 443))
            noauth-client (DefaultHttpClient.
                            (SingleClientConnManager. (.getParams client)
                            (.getParams client))
            _ (HttpsURLConnection/setDefaultHostnameVerifier
        (noauth-client req))
      (client req))))
I essentially modeled wrap-noauth on the stackoverflow thread.

When I run (c/get my-url {:noauth true :cookies ...

I get:

user=> IllegalArgumentException No matching field found: getParams for class
clojure.lang.Var  clojure.lang.Reflector.getInstanceField

Taking the ':noauth true' out of the argument map makes the error go away.

The only place I see getParams used is towards the beginning of the request
function in core.clj

  (let [http-client (DefaultHttpClient.)]
      (-> http-client
        (.setParameter ClientPNames/COOKIE_POLICY
      (let [http-url (str scheme "://" server-name

I'm still not sure what is going on... Am I breaking it by instantiating a
new DefaultHttpClient?  Should a new key for noauth be put in the parameters
to core/request [{:keys [noauth...  the cookies branch didn't do this, so I
wasn't sure.

Thanks in advance for the help.  Hopefully, once this is figured out, it
will be useful to others as well.


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