On Sun Sep 25 21:51 2011, Dennis Haupt wrote:
> (let [rand (new java.util.Random) nextInt (fn [a] (.nextInt rand))]
> ((map (print) (iterate ((nextInt "dummy") 0)))))
> the error is:
> java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to
> clojure.lang.IFn (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> why does it want to cast my "0" to a function? and how can i get rid
> of the dummy parameter [a]?

I don't think it's trying to cast your zero to a function.  Instead,
here's what I think is going on:

In this expression:

  ((nextInt "dummy") 0) 

The inner expression gets evaluated to some integer.  The end result is:

  (<some int> 0)

And that is where an integer is trying to be invoked as a function.

Ultimately, I am not sure that 'iterate' is really the function you
want.  If you want an infinite lazy sequence of random integers, you
probably want something more like 'repeatedly':

(let [rand (java.util.Random.)
      nextInt #(.nextInt rand)]
  (map print (repeatedly nextInt)))

Note that this sequence, being infinite, will not terminate.  If you
only want to print the first five random numbers, you can do something

(let [rand (java.util.Random.)
      nextInt #(.nextInt rand)]
  (map print (take 5 (repeatedly nextInt))))

I hope this helps.


Daniel Solano Gómez

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