I try to do multiplication where overflowing is expected and the result
should be handled "modulo" ie the multiplication results in a truncated

user> (unchecked-multiply (Long/MAX_VALUE) (Long/MAX_VALUE))
1 ;;is ok and expected


classificator.fnvhash> (unchecked-multiply Long/MAX_VALUE Long/MAX_VALUE)

(side note: what is different between Long/MAX_VALUE and the function call


user> (def max1 Long/MAX_VALUE)
user> (def max2 Long/MAX_VALUE)
user> (unchecked-multiply max1 max2)

results in a "integer overflow". I have tried to type hinting and what not.
It seems like unchecked-multiply doesn't like vars, but thats surprising.
What am I doing wrong here?

I'm using Clojure 1.3.0.


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