Alright, let me explain. I'm not talking about memory leaks or whether or 
not objects become eligible for collection when they should. The JVM 
garbage collector is a generational collector, which means there's a *
humongous* difference in GC work between objects that become unreachable 
(eligible for GC) shortly after creation, and those that become unreachable 
after a while (specifically, after surviving a couple of "minor GC" 
cycles). While short lived objects place a tiny, almost negligible burden, 
on the application, long lived objects place a big burden, and the worst 
are those that in between, that is, not collected immediately, but not 
reachable throughout the lifetime of the application either (meaning, they 
are used for a little while, say a few seconds or so, and then discarded). 
The place a *huge *burden on the GC. 

Now, regular, mutable collections can live for very long, but modifying 
them usually does not mess with the GC much. If you replace a value in a, 
say, ConcurrentHashMap, there are no objects created or discarded. But in 
Clojure, if you have a ref to a map, every assoc causes up to 6 
PersistentHashMap nodes to become unreachable, and those may very well be 
the worst kind of medium-lived objects. OTOH, a high rate of assoc 
operations may constantly discard the same nodes, o they become short-lived 
objects and not much of a problem at all. So my question is, what is the 
"behavior profile" for persistent collection nodes in Clojure applications, 
and what is their measured effect on GC. Whatever the answer is, it's clear 
that their behavior from a GC perspective is very different from that of 
mutable collections.

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