For my little project I wanted to reprogramm the gentic algorithm from
the book "Clojure" written by Stefan Kamphausen and Tim Oliver Kaiser.

All the basicfunction like creating the population, selecting
individuals, adding individuals, removing individuals and
recombination works fine.
During the runtime new individuals are added into the population and
the number of individuals is increased. But this sould not be. The
number should be so around a given size (in the actual programm 1000).
Agents are used to add and remove the individuals, but as it seems the
agent who should control the number of individuals in the population
(grimreaper) does not remove the individuals from the population.

Can somebody take look into the code and tell me where the error may
To start and track the evolution process use:
(prepare-evolution) (start-evolution) (track-evolution)

Here the code:

(ns evolution.genalg)

;; Implementation of a genetic algorithm based on the code given
;; in the book "Clojure" by Stefan Kamphausen and Tim Oliver Kaiser.

(def population (atom{}))

(def the_target "Thursday Next")

(def gen-max-length 20)

(def allowed-symbols (str "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäöü"

(def population-size 1000)

(defn fitness-calculation [indiv]
  "(fitness-calculation indiv) calculates the fitness of the actual
  (+ (* 2 (Math/abs (- (count the_target) (count indiv))))
     (reduce + (map #(if (= %1 %2) 0 1)
                    indiv the_target))))

(defn random-symbol []
  "(random-symbol) returns a randomly selected allowed symbol."
  (nth allowed-symbols (rand-int (count allowed-symbols))))

(defn random-genom [size]
  "(random-genom size) returns a randomly designed genom with the
defined 'size'"
  (apply str
         (take (inc (rand-int size))
               (repeatedly random-symbol))))

;; Genom selection

(defn genom-selection [g1 g2]
  "(genom-selection g1 g2) selects a randomly chosen symbol from one
of the passed genoms. There is also a 10% chance that this symbol will
be mutated."
  (if (= 0 (rand-int 10))
    (if (= 0 (rand-int 2)) g1 g2)))

(defn size-selection [i1 i2]
  "(size-selection i1 i2) returns the length of a genom based on the
passed individuals."
  (let [c1 (count i1)
        c2 (count i2)]
    (if (= 0 (rand-int 2))
      (if (= 0 (rand-int 2))
      (max gen-max-length
           (+ (min c1 c2)
              (rand-int (Math/abs (- c1 c2))))))))

(defn genom-recombination [i1 i2]
  "(genom-recombination i1 i2) combines the genoms if individual i1
and individual i2."
  (apply str
         (take (size-selection i1 i2)
               (map genom-selection (cycle i1)
                    (cycle i2)))))

;; Population dynamic
(defn random-population [size indiv-length]
  "(random-population size indiv-length) crates a new population with
the defined size and where every individual has the defined length."
  (into {}
        (map (fn [x] {x (fitness-calculation x)})
             (take size
                     #(random-genom indiv-length))))))

(defn any-individual [population]
  "(any-individual population) returns a random chosen individual of
the defined population"
  (let [ks (keys population)]
    (rand-nth ks)))

(defn select-individual [pop selection priority]
  "(select-individual pop selection priority) selects 'selection'
times individuals of the passed population."
  (let [cmp-fun (if (= priority :good) < >)]
      (sort #(cmp-fun (pop %1) (pop %2))
            (take selection
                    #(any-individual pop)))))))

;; Control structure with agents

(def ^{:doc "Agent, who runs the system"}
  start-stop-agent (agent "stop"))

(def ^{:doc "Domiciles for agents which creates new individuals are
crated. Every agent gets one domicile."}

(def ^{:doc "The number of domiciles must be tuned for the Grimreaper,
to ensure a stable population."}
      number-of-domiciles 5)

(def grimreaper (agent 0))

(defn create-domiciles []
  "(create-domiciles) creates a number of new domiciles for the
    (for[i (range number-of-domiciles)]
      (agent 0))))

(defn a-day-in-the-life []
  "(a-day-in-the-life) is the central function for steps in the
  (let [o1 (select-individual @population 3 :good)
        o2 (select-individual @population 3 :good)
        new (genom-recombination o1 o2)
        fit (fitness-calculation new)]
    (swap! population conj {new fit})))

(defn a-day-in-the-life-agent-fn [status]
  "(a-day-in-the-life-agent-fn status) starts a new agent."
  (when (= @start-stop-agent "running")
    (send *agent* a-day-in-the-life-agent-fn))
  (inc status))

(defn breath-of-death[]
  "(breath-of-death) removes bad individuals from the population"
  (when (> (count @population) population-size)
    (let [gen (select-individual @population 2 :bad)]
      (swap! population dissoc gen))))

(defn breath-of-death-agent-fn [status]
  (when (= @start-stop-agent "running")
    (send-off *agent* breath-of-death-agent-fn))
  (inc status))

(defn create-start-population []
  "(create-start-population) creates a new start population."
    (random-population population-size gen-max-length)))

(defn prepare-evolution[]
  (send grimreaper (constantly 0))
  (def domiciles (create-domiciles)))

(defn start-evolution []
  (send start-stop-agent (constantly "running"))
  (await start-stop-agent)
  (send grimreaper breath-of-death-agent-fn)
  (map #(send % a-day-in-the-life-agent-fn) domiciles))

(defn stop-evolution []
  (send start-stop-agent (constantly "stopped")))

(defn best-individuals
  (let [p @population]
    (take number (sort #(< (p (first %1))
                           (p (first %2)))
  ([] (best-individuals 1)))

(defn track-evolution[]
  (while (= @start-stop-agent "running")
    ( let [best (best-individuals 2)
           number (count @population)]
      (printf "Population: %d" number)
      (println " - Domiciles: " (map deref domiciles))
      (println best)
      (when (= 0 (second (first best)))

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