So you mean something like :
"#!/bin/bash echo " root-pwd " |" " sudo -S shutdown -h +" minutes-after)
On 07/05/12 16:20, Moritz Ulrich wrote:
I'm not familiar with .exec, so this is a guess:
What you try to do is piping some text to some other program. This is
a shell feature, and I think .exec doesn't start a shell so you just
run 'echo' with some arguments. Try running a shell withing exec,
passing the commands as an argument to the shell.
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Jim - FooBar();<> wrote:
Hello everyone,
I was just messing about with the following function and cannot figure out
why it won't work...
I know that the command I'm passing to the runtime object is a valid unix
command...i can execute it on my terminal no problem! Java however refuses
send the "halt" signal to my ubuntu shell...any ideas?
(defn shutdown-pc [root-pwd minutes-after]
(let [op-system (System/getProperty "")
enviroment (Runtime/getRuntime)]
(or (.startsWith op-system "Linux")
(.startsWith op-system "Mac OS"))
(.exec enviroment (str "echo " root-pwd " |" " sudo -S shutdown
-h +" minutes-after))
(.startsWith op-system "Windows")
(.exec enviroment (str "shutdown -s -t " minutes-after))
:else (throw (RuntimeException. "Unsupported operating system!"))))
Thanks in advance...
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