On Jul 28, 2012, at 7:02 AM, Ben Smith-Mannschott wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 9:06 PM, Vinzent <ru.vinz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> robert-hooke actualy doesn't work with multimethods afaik. You can try my
>> new library (https://github.com/dnaumov/hooks), but it's alpha (no docs yet,
>> sorry).
> (defmulti foo* (fn [args] ...) ...)
> (defmethod foo* :x [args]...)
> (defmethod foo* :y [args] ...)
> (defn foo [args]
>  (foo* args))
> Only foo calls foo*. Everyone else calls foo. Apply hooks to foo.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_theorem_of_software_engineering
> ;-)
> // Ben

robert.hooke works fine with multimethods:

user=> (defmulti foo class)
user=> (defmethod foo :default [x] (str x))
#<MultiFn clojure.lang.MultiFn@7539f0bb>
user=> (require '[robert.hooke :refer (add-hook)])
user=> (add-hook #'foo (fn [f & [x]] (str "K: " (f x))))
(#<user$eval3072$fn__3074 user$eval3072$fn__3074@534b58c>)
user=> (foo 42)
"K: 42"

More interesting still would be the ability to add hooks to particular methods. 
 `defmethod` doesn't define a new var, so that's not generally possible, but 
you can work around it by defining functions and tying them to multimethods in 
separate operations:

user=> (defmulti twice class)
user=> (defn twice-n [n] (* n n))
user=> (defn twice-s [s] (str s s))
user=> (.addMethod twice Number #'twice-n)
#<MultiFn clojure.lang.MultiFn@6a04919b>
user=> (.addMethod twice String #'twice-s)
#<MultiFn clojure.lang.MultiFn@6a04919b>
user=> (twice 5)
user=> (twice "hi")
user=> (add-hook #'twice-n (fn [f & [n]] (f (dec n)))) 
(#<user$eval3044$fn__3046 user$eval3044$fn__3046@fa328aa>)
user=> (twice 5)

These sorts of situations makes me want for an add-method to go along with 
remove-method and get-method, just to avoid the .addMethod interop form.

- Chas

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