I'm looking for medium-scale examples of using function-generating functions. 
I'm doing it because examples like this:

(def make-incrementer
     (fn [increment]
       (fn [x] (+ increment x))))

... or this:

(def incish (partial map + [100 200 300]))

... show the mechanics, but I'm looking for examples that would resonate more 
with an object-oriented programmer. Such examples might be ones that close over 
a number of values (which looks more like an object), or generate multiple 
functions that all close over a shared value (which looks more like an object), 
or use closures to avoid the need to have some particular argument passed from 
function to function (which looks like the `this` in an instance method). 

Note: please put the flamethrower down. I'm not saying that "looking like 
objects" is the point of higher-order functions. 

I'll give full credit. 

Brian Marick, Artisanal Labrador
Contract programming in Ruby and Clojure
Occasional consulting on Agile

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