We currently distribute the Google Closure Library in two separate JARs: the main library and the third-party extensions. We do this because the third-party extensions are covered by different licenses. But, as it turns out, various classes in the main library have explicit dependencies on things in the third-party extensions. See See also this G.Closure mailing list discussion: As a result, the ClojureScript browser-connected REPL has a transitive dependency on the Google Closure Library third-party extensions. This manifests as an error in script/cljsc and a NullPointerException in lein-cljsbuild. It seems that the dependency on third-party extensions is unavoidable. There are several possible fixes: 1. Release a new G.Closure Library JAR with a *declared dependency* on the third-party extensions JAR. This best reflects the *actual* dependency relationships. 2. Release a new G.Closure Library JAR with the third-party extensions included in the JAR. This would make it harder to exclude the third-party-licensed code from projects which do not actually require it. 3. Release a new version of ClojureScript with a declared dependency on the third-party extensions JAR. This makes the dependency more visible to ClojureScript developers. Regardless of the approach taken, developers can always use explicit dependencies/exclusions to choose which version of the G.Closure library to include in their projects. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at