Any relationship to CLJ-701, other than similar symptoms?


On Nov 20, 2012, at 9:15 AM, Christophe Grand wrote:

> Hi,
> It looks like, because of the recur, the compiler fails to notice that if 
> returns a primitive.
> As far as I understand in, RecurExpr does not implement 
> MaybePrimitiveExpr and thus causes on canEmitPrimitive the surrounding IfExpr 
> to return false.
> Someone to confirm this analysis?
> On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Gunnar Völkel 
> <> wrote:
> I have written a primitive function for exponentiation with integers as power 
> using the multiply-and-square algorithm.
> For performance reasons I used primitive type hints for the arguments and the 
> return value.
> Profiling the whole application I noticed that there are a lot of 
> java.lang.Double/valueOf calls.
> Looking at the bytecode I see that in Clojure 1.3 as well as in Clojure 1.4 
> the result value gets boxed and unboxed like 
> Double.valueOf(result).doubleValue().
> Am I doing something wrong? Is there a serious bug related to the support of 
> primitive functions?
> The source code:
> (defn first-bit?
>   {:inline (fn [n] `(== 1 (clojure.lang.Numbers/and ~n, 1)) )}
>   [^long n]
>   (== 1 (clojure.lang.Numbers/and n, 1)))
> (defn exp-int
>   ^double [^double x, ^long c]
>   (loop [result 1.0, factor x, c c]
>     (if (> c 0)
>         (recur 
>          (if (first-bit? c)
>            (* result factor)
>            result),
>          (* factor factor),
>          (bit-shift-right c 1))
>       result)))
> Last lines of the Java bytecode of `exp-int`:
> 59 dload 5;               /* result */
> 61 invokestatic 40;       /* java.lang.Double java.lang.Double.valueOf(double 
> c) */
> 64 checkcast 85;          /* java.lang.Number */
> 67 invokevirtual 89;      /* double doubleValue() */
> 70 dreturn;

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