
First, you need to either

(a) :allow-anon? false in the configuration map you provide to 
friend/authenticate — it is true by default, or
(b) Use an authorization guard (which can include friend/authenticated, which 
reuses the authorization mechanism to ensure that only authenticated users' 
requests can cause the enclosed code to be evaluated)

Either option will redirect to whatever you have configured as :login-uri 
(default "/login").

Also, openid-uri is not where the provider's URI goes; that's what configures 
the URI that the OpenId workflow is bound to e.g. for receiving the redirect 
from the provider after the user has authenticated with them.  So, you'd want 
:openid-uri to be something like "/openid".

It is generally the case that the OpenId workflow is initiated by the user by 
clicking on one of a couple of different buttons, or specifying their OpenId 
URL manually.  This is what you would put on the /login page.  You can see 
different takes on this this at and

I suppose you *could* start the OpenId workflow automatically, but that might 
be a jarring experience for your users: because you can't control the 
presentation / branding of the OpenId provider's authentication flow, 
unauthenticated users may get confused, or think they've wandered into an 
attempt to obtain their e.g. Google credentials.  However, I can see use cases 
for this — maybe when the users know a particular site always uses credentials 
from a particular site, or for internal apps where an OpenId SSO is ubiquitous 
and expected.

FWIW, I'll add an example for that option (as well as the more common 
form-initiated style) to the set of example applications I'm slowly building 
for Friend:

I haven't publicly announced that app/effort yet — mostly because I want to get 
a certain minimum number of example apps spiked out with non-hideous 
presentation before blowing the trumpets.

Anyway, I hope the content above is helpful.  Let me know if you have any other 


- Chas

On Dec 19, 2012, at 2:59 AM, Murtaza Husain wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to setup my authentication using cemerick/friend. I would like to 
> authenticate using openid with gmail. 
> Below is the code that I have - 
> (ns faiz.handler
>   (:use compojure.core)
>   (:require [compojure.handler :as handler]
>             [compojure.route :as route]
>             [ring.util.response :as resp]
>             [me.shenfeng.mustache :as mustache]
>             [cemerick.friend :as friend]
>             (cemerick.friend [workflows :as workflows]
>                              [credentials :as creds]
>                              [openid :as openid])))
> (mustache/deftemplate index (slurp "public/index-async.html"))
> (def index-data {:title "Invoize." :brand "Faiz" :links [{:url "#/students" 
> :text "Students"} {:url "#/thaalis" :text "Thaalis"}]})
> (defroutes app-routes
>   (GET "/" [] (resp/redirect "/landing"))
>   (GET "/landing" [] (resp/file-response "landing.html" {:root "public"}))
>   (GET "/index" [] (index index-data))
>   (route/files "/" {:root "public"})
>   (route/not-found "Not Found"))
> (def mock-app
>   (-> app-routes
>       (friend/authenticate
>        {:workflows [(openid/workflow :openid-uri 
> ""; :realm "";)]})))
> (def app
>   (handler/site app-routes))
> My expectation is that when I try to access the "/index" or "/landing" url, 
> it should not allow me as I am not authenticated and redirect to the 
> openid-url,however this does not happen. How do I achieve it ?
> Thanks,
> Murtaza
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