Hey all, Wei and I put together Jida, a pastie-bin for running
Codeq/Datomic queries on Clojure repos.

To dive in, here's a query that shows all of the authors for a given
imported clojure repo (domina, in this case):


You can 3 do things:

   1. Execute basic Codeq/Datomic queries againt imported git repos
   2. Save and share your queries with a link
   3. Import publicly-accessible clojure repos

We thought it could be a great way for people to

   - Expermient with Codeq
   - Explore/share high-level stats about the Clojure code and community
   - Possibly drive visualization using C2?

We're looking to you for ideas, feedback, and most importantly,

   - Site: http://jida.herokuapp.com/
   - Code: https://github.com/yayitswei/jida
   - Wiki https://github.com/yayitswei/jida/wiki

Note that Datomic is running on a very under-powered server, so Jida may go
down from time to time. If you're interested in helping out with hosting,
we would really appreciate it!


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