Yay! Thanks for the feedback everyone. I originally had it as a 'cond' but 
because I was using 'println' directly in my fizzy function I was getting 
on 15 for example "fizzbuzz, buzz, fizz" but changing it to more pure 
function would probably deal with that. I'll have a play with 'when' as 
well, hadn't tried that one yet. 

Thanks again and I look forward to showing off some Clojure creations in 
the wild soon.

On Saturday, 29 December 2012 22:35:38 UTC+10, Sean Chalmers wrote:
> Greetings all!
> I'm just starting out in the so far wonderful world of Clojure and to help 
> me get started I had a crack at one of my favourites, the FizzBuzz program. 
> For anyone that isn't familiar with FizzBuzz, it is designed to count from 
> 1 to N and take the following actions when certain conditions are met:
>    - When the remainder of i divided by 3 is 0 print "Fizz"
>    - When the remainder of i divided by 5 is 0 print "Buzz"
>    - When both the former are true of i print "FizzBuzz"
> I crafted the following as a solution and I would really appreciate some 
> more experienced Clojurians casting their eye over it and letting me know 
> if what I've done is in the style and spirit of Clojure. Also this is my 
> first functional language so any feedback on that would be awesome too. :)
> I'm aware it's only a teeeeeeeensy piece of code so not terribly 
> indicative of the hilarity that might ensue on a larger project but all the 
> same. Enough of my blathering here is the meaty bit:
> (defn zero-remainder? [x y]
>   (zero? (rem x y)))
> (defn fizzy [x]
>   (let [fizz (zero-remainder? x 3) buzz (zero-remainder? x 5)]
>     (if (and fizz buzz)
>       (println "FizzBuzz: " x)
>       (if buzz
>         (println "Buzz: " x)
>         (if fizz
>           (println "Fizz: " x))))))
> (doseq [x (range 1 25)]
>   (fizzy x))

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