I tried it on 3 machines with the following results

Late '11 iMac running OS X 10.8.2: Failed with PermGen error
Mid '12 Macbook Air running OS X 10.8.2: Success
VM Running Arch Linux: Success

So I can't say it is easily reproducible. I'll see if I can find what is 
tripping things up on the iMac today.


On Feb 10, 2013, at 8:36 AM, Stuart Halloway <stuart.hallo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Aaron:
> Were you simply running the test suite via the build?  On what hardware and 
> OS?
> Stu
> On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 9:16 PM, Aaron Bedra <aaron.be...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah, I know what would fix it, but I would like to make sure the right 
> defaults are in place for folks who pull it down.
> -Aaron
> On Feb 9, 2013, at 4:29 PM, AtKaaZ <atk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> maybe jvm arg would help
>> -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
>> On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Aaron Bedra <aaron.be...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I just pulled it down locally and got the dreaded PermGen…
>>      [java] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
>>      [java]  at 
>> clojure.test_clojure.edn$types_that_should_roundtrip.invoke(edn.clj:32)
>>      [java]  at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(AFn.java:161)
>>      [java]  at clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo(AFn.java:151)
>>      [java]  at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:617)
>>      [java]  at 
>> clojure.test.generative.runner$run_iter.invoke(runner.clj:108)
>>      [java]  at 
>> clojure.test.generative.runner$run_for$fn__417$fn__418$fn__419$fn__423.invoke(runner.clj:135)
>>      [java]  at 
>> clojure.test.generative.runner$run_for$fn__417$fn__418$fn__419.invoke(runner.clj:130)
>>      [java]  at 
>> clojure.test.generative.runner$run_for$fn__417$fn__418.invoke(runner.clj:127)
>>      [java]  at 
>> clojure.core$binding_conveyor_fn$fn__4130.invoke(core.clj:1836)
>>      [java]  at clojure.lang.AFn.call(AFn.java:18)
>>      [java]  at 
>> java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:303)
>>      [java]  at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:138)
>>      [java]  at 
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
>>      [java]  at 
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)
>>      [java]  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)
>>      [java] clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Value cannot roundtrip, see ex-data 
>> {:printed [#inst "2034-04-17T21:03:17.620-00:00" #inst 
>> "1979-04-19T20:14:07.477-00:00" #inst "1996-06-20T05:47:52.868-00:00" #inst 
>> "1995-08-15T20:51:41.920-00:00" #inst "2029-05-17T14:34:37.906-00:00" #inst 
>> "1987-06-05T21:05:23.305-00:00" #inst "1994-06-29T16:17:24.459-00:00" #inst 
>> "2035-12-03T09:39:44.754-00:00" #inst "2040-01-31T09:47:29.774-00:00" #inst 
>> "1973-06-09T04:53:42.029-00:00" #inst "1996-12-23T17:26:25.607-00:00" #inst 
>> "2022-07-01T16:33:57.846-00:00" #inst "1998-10-01T00:21:09.895-00:00" #inst 
>> "1973-01-11T17:43:58.457-00:00" #inst "1988-11-03T22:46:53.468-00:00" #inst 
>> "1982-01-31T11:34:19.796-00:00" #inst "2011-11-11T10:59:23.168-00:00" #inst 
>> "1973-06-07T12:37:22.285-00:00" #inst "1977-12-15T03:32:20.215-00:00" #inst 
>> "2047-10-15T13:51:28.327-00:00" #inst "2007-12-16T05:50:59.539-00:00" #inst 
>> "1980-05-01T01:58:13.802-00:00" #inst "1980-01-30T04:31:20.418-00:00" #inst 
>> "2044-09-16T14:38:34.919-00:00" #inst "1980-08-05T18:06:50.589-00:00" #inst 
>> "1978-12-31T11:40:11.800-00:00" #inst "2015-05-08T15:03:27.594-00:00" #inst 
>> "1975-06-28T17:24:08.855-00:00" #inst "1975-06-09T07:22:42.892-00:00" #inst 
>> "2026-03-20T07:01:01.296-00:00" #inst "2053-02-02T01:33:45.525-00:00" #inst 
>> "2002-04-11T18:43:38.347-00:00" #inst "1992-12-10T13:33:55.048-00:00" #inst 
>> "2015-04-16T20:53:45.670-00:00" #inst "2013-12-23T20:16:07.506-00:00" #inst 
>> "1978-09-02T09:42:03.175-00:00" #inst "1980-06-29T00:54:55.361-00:00" #inst 
>> "2061-11-04T22:40:32.484-00:00" #inst "2190-06-05T04:42:38.638-00:00" #inst 
>> "2038-03-19T09:05:50.002-00:00" #inst "2033-08-08T13:48:51.747-00:00" #inst 
>> "2077-11-18T06:09:19.557-00:00" #inst "1997-02-07T14:02:27.410-00:00" #inst 
>> "1988-08-20T07:11:32.623-00:00" #inst "1981-12-06T05:48:21.787-00:00" #inst 
>> "1980-08-15T09:40:38.877-00:00" #inst "2022-01-19T16:23:06.638-00:00" #inst 
>> "1994-09-09T17:35:55.052-00:00" #inst "1989-09-14T07:24:38.880-00:00" #inst 
>> "2050-03-30T21:22:42.054-00:00" #inst "2071-10-09T20:37:08.430-00:00" #inst 
>> "2083-04-19T10:25:43.108-00:00" #inst "1978-09-09T18:28:22.366-00:00" #inst 
>> "1979-11-03T08:18:42.779-00:00" #inst "1975-10-24T00:59:58.497-00:00" #inst 
>> "1974-10-10T14:40:29.360-00:00" #inst "1999-07-14T07:47:47.220-00:00" #inst 
>> "2215-11-23T00:36:40.748-00:00" #inst "2077-02-14T19:40:22.712-00:00" #inst 
>> "1985-03-14T12:30:49.064-00:00" #inst "2021-08-26T20:51:15.030-00:00" #inst 
>> "2013-04-22T10:48:12.278-00:00" #inst "2019-08-31T17:31:05.195-00:00" #inst 
>> "1975-04-21T22:13:33.370-00:00" #inst "1984-09-10T23:30:15.313-00:00" #inst 
>> "2053-11-10T05:36:02.093-00:00" #inst "1974-01-05T15:17:02.286-00:00" #inst 
>> "2058-09-18T08:11:45.895-00:00" #inst "1987-10-26T13:15:29.968-00:00" #inst 
>> "2001-10-01T08:12:45.877-00:00" #inst "2003-05-29T15:17:24.449-00:00" #inst 
>> "1981-02-07T01:20:10.665-00:00" #inst "1972-02-20T03:11:10.395-00:00" #inst 
>> "1971-05-15T02:20:31.099-00:00" #inst "1998-07-14T19:05:58.450-00:00" #inst 
>> "2003-11-20T14:15:43.535-00:00" #inst "2032-11-06T18:16:34.702-00:00" #inst 
>> "1974-09-12T12:12:41.530-00:00" #inst "1971-01-16T05:00:36.536-00:00" #inst 
>> "1997-04-22T20:01:48.046-00:00" #inst "1980-02-10T15:10:37.905-00:00" #inst 
>> "1978-05-09T10:52:42.400-00:00" #inst "1991-03-04T00:27:15.926-00:00" #inst 
>> "1993-12-10T20:33:14.714-00:00" #inst "2045-04-04T10:42:38.474-00:00" #inst 
>> "1972-05-30T18:17:49.692-00:00" #inst "1986-03-14T02:42:42.374-00:00" #inst 
>> "2096-01-05T11:11:23.974-00:00" #inst "1997-12-03T18:50:28.444-00:00" #inst 
>> "2009-05-12T23:48:54.862-00:00" #inst "2026-02-16T11:51:39.884-00:00" #inst 
>> "1978-07-24T14:57:30.134-00:00" #inst "2003-08-21T22:16:56.540-00:00" #inst 
>> "2000-04-06T12:22:12.441-00:00" #inst "2002-11-24T01:28:22.121-00:00" #inst 
>> "1994-03-25T13:59:33.563-00:00" #inst "2071-07-24T05:23:57.700-00:00" #inst 
>> "1973-02-21T21:19:53.593-00:00" #inst "2002-01-15T22:05:02.577-00:00" #inst 
>> "2070-11-21T11:43:26.215-00:00" #inst "1981-02-13T22:11:16.246-00:00" #inst 
>> "1970-07-22T21:48:11.057-00:00" #inst "1971-01-29T03:41:18.739-00:00" #inst 
>> "1999-03-27T23:30:24.423-00:00" #inst "1977-02-06T08:36:28.391-00:00" #inst 
>> "2077-10-02T22:12:19.848-00:00" #inst "2033-06-20T08:33:04.929-00:00" #inst 
>> "2076-12-24T03:10:57.403-00:00" #inst "1994-02-24T15:51:53.173-00:00" #inst 
>> "1971-05-25T22:45:07.225-00:00" #inst "1973-12-18T13:35:59.229-00:00" #inst 
>> "2042-10-23T01:45:24.233-00:00" #inst "2038-03-23T00:12:18.445-00:00" #inst 
>> "2000-05-08T18:30:51.890-00:00" #inst "1970-03-22T04:27:39.217-00:00" #inst 
>> "1980-11-20T20:59:16.421-00:00" #inst "2001-06-29T08:24:25.837-00:00"], 
>> :read #<OutOfMemoryError java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space>}
>> -Aaron
>> On Feb 9, 2013, at 2:13 PM, Stuart Halloway <stuart.hallo...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Clojure 1.5 RC 14 (fourteen) will be available soon from Maven Central:
>>> http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.clojure%22%20AND%20a%3A%22clojure%22%20AND%20v%3A1.5.0*
>>> Please test it!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Stu
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>> Please correct me if I'm wrong or incomplete,
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