I would like to connect to MongoDb with the following code, but I am
worried about the side-effecting code that comes right after the

(def which-database-to-use (ref false))
(def which-collection-to-use (ref false))

(defn connect-to-server []

(defn set-database-to-use []
  (mg/set-db! (mg/get-db @which-database-to-use)))

(defn establish-database-connection [database-name-as-string
   (ref-set which-database-to-use database-name-as-string)
   (ref-set which-collection-to-use collection-name-as-string))
  (when @which-database-to-use

Is there a risk that set-database-to-use will be called before the
dosync is finished?

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