Is there no equivalent to :refer-clojure for java.lang? 

I've built a library for building OWL ontologies. It does this by
liberal use of Clojure vars, each pointing to a Java object representing
an ontology concept.

The difficulty is that I can and do get name clashes. Sometimes these
are with clojure.core, but they can be avoided; in fact, in practice,
these are often fewer because I use an different naming scheme
(CamelCase) for ontology terms. But I can't do this for java.lang. 

I *could* change the names of the vars that I create, but unfortunately
there are some names in java.lang that are hard to replace; so Process
and Object being the most obvious ones (both having very different and
more general meanings in my case). 

Currently I am limited to the ugliness of this:

(ns-unmap *ns* 'Process)
(defclass Process)

This is particularly unfortunate as I need to use *no* classes from

I guess I could write a general function which does this for all the
class names in java.lang. 


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