Hi all,

I am quite interested in using plumbing in one of my projects and have the
feeling that it is a perfect fit and indeed a better solution to something I
have written before. I can't, however, quite figure out the best way to
translate what I have into an implementation that uses graphs.

Consider a function such as:

(defn reducekv-fun
  (let [m (reduce-kv
            (fn [ret k v]
              (let [first-result (map inc v)
                    ret (assoc ret :first-result first-result)
                    ret (assoc ret :second-result (map #(- % 2) (get ret 
                    ret (assoc-in ret [:third-result k] (map #(* 2 %) v))]
            (get m :foo))]

where m would be something like {:foo {:first-set #{a b c} :second-set #{a b
c}}}. I want to keep keys present in m, but "update" some of them.

Which is something that I use in some places in my current codebase. It
essentially tries to model a graph and uses a map to move data from
one computation "node" to another. I don't really like this approach because it
is hard to change the actual implementation that is being called, there is no
verficiation that all necessary keys are present and it feels made up on
the spot. plumbing/graph looks as if it would fit perfectly.

I think that it should be pretty easy to translate this into an implementation
that uses plumbing's graphs, but I am running into problems with call like

   ret (assoc-in ret [:third-result k] (map #(* 2 %) v))

and am simply not sure how to handle them elegantly. What I would like to be
able to do in the end is:

    * Replace the entire computation by a call to a single function (rather
      "hook" that returns a map that can be merged with the old map
    * An easy way to compose that hook, essentially by adding multiple
      "subgraphs" together.

My basic idea is to have something like (but feel free to suggest something
completely different):

(defn reducekv-fun
  [m hook-function]
  (let [m (reduce-kv
            (fn [ret k v] (hook-function ret k v))
            (get m :foo))]

And the ability to define the computation as combination of multiple subgraphs
in the sense of (invalid code, but you get the idea):

(def compute1-graph
   { :first-result (fnk [v] (map inc v))
     :second-result (fnk [first-result] (map #(- % 2) first-result))})

(def compute2-graph
  { :third-result {k (fnk [v] (map #(* 2 %) v))}})

(def hook-function
  (fn [???] ...
    (graph/???-compile (merge compute1-graph compute2-graph …

But I have problems with nested dynamic keys (such as the k in compute2-graph)
and am also not sure if this whole approach is a good idea. It looks as if
your library is *exactly* what I need, but I am stuck at making the first
step without breaking everything.

Thanks a lot!
Wolodja <babi...@gmail.com>

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