
this looks very interesting. However I'm a little concerned about the 
semantics of >! and <!.


(ns thheller.async-test
  (:use clojure.test)
  (:require [clojure.core.async :as async :refer (go >! <! >!! <!!)]))
(def c (async/chan))
(defn do-some-work [work]
  (throw (ex-info "no way" {:work work})))
(go (loop [work-done 0]
      (let [[reply-to work] (<! c)
            reply (do-some-work work)]
        (>! reply-to reply)
        (recur (inc work-done))
(let [me (async/chan)]
  (>!! c [me :work-work])
  (<!! me) ;; never returns

The go-thread dies on the first message and never replies, the other thread 
waiting for a reply (be it the current thread as in my example, or another 
go-thread) will now be stuck. Thus I need an extra timeout for EVERY <! I 
ever do, you hinted as much in your blog post. Waiting for messages that 
never arrive.

However you may also run into situations where >! never returns, cause the 
consumer died and the buffer is full. How do you "return" from that? Can I 
do alt! (timeout) on a put? Or does a full buffer throw?

>From what I understand one can "<!" the result of the outer (go ...) to 
detect that it in fact "ended"? I guess there could be some helper 
functions which restart go-threads in case of accidental deaths. Although 
right now an exception does not seem to close the go result channel.

I still prefer Erlang (Actors) since it seems way easier to reason about 
and process links and monitors (supervisors) certainly make failures alot 
easier to detect/handle.

Any words on the state of the CLJS port? Looking through the code I found 
that setTimeout(fn, 0) is used alot. HTML5 Spec [1,2,3] says "If the 
currently running task is a task that was created by the setTimeout() 
method, and timeout is less than 4, then increase timeout to 4." That may 
cause some trouble, thought I mention this.

Anyways, its pretty nice piece of work and I will certainly play with it 
for a while.


[3] http://dbaron.org/log/20100309-faster-timeouts

On Friday, June 28, 2013 9:06:47 PM UTC+2, Rich Hickey wrote:
> I've blogged a bit about the new core.async library:
> http://clojure.com/blog/2013/06/28/clojure-core-async-channels.html
> Please try it out.
> Thanks,
> Rich

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