Did not work.. all that is strange since I've been following the manual 
step-by-step.. looks like the shoreleave's wrapper does not even create a 
http route for itself... any other ideas?

On Friday, July 12, 2013 7:14:42 AM UTC+4, Samrat Man Singh wrote:
> I think you need to (use projectname.ajax) in your projectname.handler 
> page. If I remember correctly, there's also a way to specify which 
> namespace your remote function is in.
> On Thursday, July 11, 2013 10:42:15 PM UTC+5:45, Alex Fowler wrote:
>> Hi all, this is my first experience with Shoreleave and I'm trying to use 
>> it's RPC mechanism to perform AJAX tasks. However, on a call to a remote 
>> procedure, I get this:
>> `
>>    1. POST http://localhost:8080/_shoreleave 404 (Not Found) 
>>    cljs.js:25223 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       1. goog.net.XhrIo.sendcljs.js:25223<http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       2. xhr__delegatecljs.js:31416 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       3. xhrcljs.js:31423 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       4. 
>> remote_callback__delegatecljs.js:32504<http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       5. remote_callbackcljs.js:32515 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       6. load_storecljs.js:32745 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       7. 
>> mk__AMPERSAND__load_store__delegatecljs.js:32755<http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       8. 
>> mk__AMPERSAND__load_storecljs.js:32763<http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       9. example_storecljs.js:33341 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       10. simplecljs.js:33361 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       11. setup_guicljs.js:33962 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       12. setup_allcljs.js:33982 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       13. startupcljs.js:41166 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>       14. onloadapp:2 <http://localhost:8080/app>
>> XHR ERROR: Not Found 
>> `
>> What is wrong and how do I fix it? I have been following this tutorial: 
>> Shoreleave 
>> Tutorial 10 - Introducing 
>> Ajax<https://github.com/magomimmo/modern-cljs/blob/master/doc/tutorial-10.md>
>>  my 
>> code (relevant parts) is this:
>> Project.clj:
>> `
>> (defproject projectname "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
>>   :description "FIXME: write description"
>>   :url "http://example.com/FIXME";
>>   :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
>>                  [lib-noir "0.6.3"]
>>                  [compojure "1.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
>>                  [ring-server "0.2.8"]
>>                  [clabango "0.5"]
>>                  [hiccup "1.0.3"]
>>                  [com.taoensso/timbre "2.1.2"]
>>                  [com.taoensso/tower "1.7.1"]
>>                  [markdown-clj "0.9.26"]
>>                  ; -- ajax
>>                  [shoreleave "0.3.0"]
>>                  [shoreleave/shoreleave-remote-ring "0.3.0"]
>>                  [shoreleave/shoreleave-remote "0.3.0"]
>>                  ; -- cljs
>>                  [com.keminglabs/singult "0.1.6"]
>>                  [enfocus "1.0.1"]
>>                  [jayq "2.3.0"]
>>                  ]
>>   :plugins [[lein-ring "0.8.5"]
>>             [lein-cljsbuild "0.3.2"]]
>>   :hooks [leiningen.cljsbuild]
>>   :cljsbuild {
>>               :builds [{
>>                         :jar true
>>                         :source-paths ["src/family/webapp"]
>>                         :compiler {
>>                                    :output-to 
>> "resources/public/js/cljs.js"
>>                                    :optimizations :whitespace
>>                                    :externs ["externs/jquery-1.9.js"]
>>                                    :pretty-print true}}]}
>>   :ring {:handler projectname.handler/war-handler
>>          :init    projectname.handler/init
>>          :destroy projectname.handler/destroy}
>>   :profiles
>>   {:production {:ring {:open-browser? false
>>                        :stacktraces?  false
>>                        :auto-reload?  false}}
>>    :dev {:dependencies [[ring-mock "0.1.5"]
>>                         [ring/ring-devel "1.1.8"]]}}
>>   :min-lein-version "2.0.0")
>> `
>> Handler:
>> `
>> (ns projectname.handler
>>   (:use projectname.routes.home
>>         compojure.core)
>>   (:require [noir.util.middleware :as middleware]
>>             [compojure.route :as route]
>>             [shoreleave.middleware.rpc :refer [wrap-rpc]]))
>> (def all-routes [home-routes app-routes])
>> (def app (-> all-routes
>>              middleware/app-handler
>>              wrap-rpc
>>              ;;add your middlewares here
>>              ))
>> (def war-handler (middleware/war-handler app))
>> ` 
>> Remote procedure declaration:
>> `
>> (ns projectname.ajax
>>   (:require [shoreleave.middleware.rpc :refer [defremote]]))
>> (defremote my-remote-proc [some-arg] (println "remote call ok" some-arg) 
>> some-arg)
>> `
>> Client side ClojureScript code:
>> `
>> (ns projectname.webapp.model.store
>>   (:require
>>     [shoreleave.remotes.http-rpc :refer [remote-callback]]))
>> (defn do-smth-useful [useful-args]
>>   (log "This is the last log statement that get's printed")
>>   (remote-callback :my-remote-proc [useful-args] #(process-feedback %))
>> `
>> Thanks!

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