Oh nice. I like the look of devs <https://github.com/mtnygard/devs>. So
I've put together some rudimentary work for
Just some basic CRUD + find + list. I had a think about how to tie together
the different domain entities. And internally, I think relational algebra
is the most straight forward approach. So I've used
the find function. And I think clojure.set will do nicely when joining
across domain entities. Find calling examples

I also thought a little more about the plugin approach, and I don't think
the nrepl protocol is the way to go. The nrepl protocol is just a way to
execute code remotely on an nrepl server. So there's no isolation , or
other advantage to be leveraged. I'm guessing a protocol or record approach
will be best. I'll play around with it over the week-end. Please add any
thoughts you have.


Tim Washington
Interruptsoftware.ca / Bkeeping.com

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 4:06 AM, Manuel Paccagnella <
manuel.paccagne...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Il giorno martedì 23 luglio 2013 04:11:48 UTC+2, frye ha scritto:
>> Hey all,
>> *A)* Thanks for all the feedback on this topic. There's a few
>> interesting things here. Notably that there are at least these existing
>> blog engines:
>>    - 
>> http://github.com/bitemyapp/**neubite<http://github.com/bitemyapp/neubite>(apparently
>>  needs a WYSIWYG editor)
>>    - 
>> https://github.com/yogthos/**yuggoth<https://github.com/yogthos/yuggoth>(although
>>  this advertises itself as a full blog engine)
>> *B)* I'll also look into putting HTML code within Markdown text. Wrt *
>> Asciidoc*, what I wonder is i) does it handle all media types (images,
>> video, audio, etc) and ii) are there well-developed web-editors for
>> asciidoc ?
> i) Yes <http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/asciidoc.html#X98> :)
> ii) I haven't found none. However, it should be quite feasible to write
> AsciiDoc markup in plain text and render a preview in real time in-browser
> using 
> asciidoctor.js<http://asciidoctor.org/news/2013/05/21/asciidoctor-js-render-asciidoc-in-the-browser/>.
>> *C)* Also, the idea of a static site or blog generator (like Jekyll) is
>> good. But that strikes me as a sub-set of a full-featured blog engine. My
>> concept of having a small core (or kernel, if you like), would certainly
>> allow for a static site generator as a plug-in. Looks like there are
>> already working examples with: 
>> http://liquidz.github.io/**misaki<http://liquidz.github.io/misaki>
>> I would still like something.. a blog library that you can thread into
>> your existing site. It wouldn't make too many assumptions about your setup
>> (data store, http framework, templating, workflow, etc). And it would allow
>> you to plug-in pieces on an as needed basis. I can't see that in neubite or
>> yuggoth, unless I missed it. Please let me know.
> I agree. That way it could be used any number of markup languages for
> posts (and pages): Markdown, AsciiDoc, HTML, etc.

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