On Nov 24, 2013, at 10:19 , David Simmons <shortlypor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I wish to process each item in a vector. I know I can use map to do this e.g. 
> (map my-func my-vector). My problem is that I need to be able to break out of 
> the map if my-func returns an error when processing any of the items. I know 
> map isn't what I'm looking for but is there a function or some idiomatic 
> piece of clojure to achieve my aim.

If you only want to break when there's an error, you could use exceptions.

Alternatively, if my-func ordinarily doesn't return nil, you could take 
advantage of map's laziness by having my-func return nil on failure-- then you 
just stop consuming the output of map when you hit a nil value.

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