What version of neo4j are you using?

For your swap! you are mixing transients and atoms
(swap! id-map #(assoc! % res id)) 
should be:
(swap! id-map assoc res id)

The swap! fn will apply the value of the atom id-map to the fn as the first 
argument, followed by the remaining arguments, and then set the value of 
the atom to what the fn spits out:
so (swap! id-map assoc res id) is taking the value of (assoc @id-map res 
id) and storing it as the atom's new value.

I'm still not certain why you are having issues with the .createNode 
inserter, if you are on 2.0.0.* you may need to pass a labels array. You 
can use this code to create it and pass it:

(into-array org.neo4j.graphdb.Label labels)

Make sure your import has all of those:
Mine looks like (in the ns declaration):
  (:import (org.neo4j.graphdb NotFoundException
            (org.neo4j.kernel EmbeddedGraphDatabase
           (org.neo4j.unsafe.batchinsert BatchInserter

For reference, my create-node fn calls like this:
(.createNode db
                    (-convert-props node-properties)
                    (into-array org.neo4j.graphdb.Label labels))

It's part of a larger series of fn's, which return a promise for each 
queued node, and only creates the relationship when all of those promises 
have been fulfilled, or I would post more code. I've been meaning to work 
on a simple tutorial though.

Neocons is a great library, but uses the REST API, which may be too slow or 
may not meet your requirements. 

Let me know how it goes.


On Monday, December 2, 2013 4:11:53 AM UTC-6, Himakshi Mangal wrote:

> Hi...
> I am using clojure to import dbpedia data into neo4j.
> Here's the code:
> (ns opal.dbpedia
>   (:use [clojure.tools.logging :only [log]])
>   (:require [clojure.java.io :as io])
>   (:import [uk.ac.manchester.cs.owl.owlapi.turtle.parser TurtleParser]
>            [org.neo4j.unsafe.batchinsert BatchInserters]
>            [org.neo4j.graphdb DynamicRelationshipType]))
> (defn get-next-tuple
>   [parser]
>   (let [last-item (atom nil)
>         tuple (atom [])]
>     (while (and (not= "." @last-item)
>                 (not= "" @last-item))
>       (reset! last-item
>               (-> parser
>                 (.getNextToken)
>                 (.toString)))
>       (swap! tuple conj @last-item))
>     (when-not (empty? (first @tuple)) ; .getNextToken returns "" once you 
> are out of data
>       @tuple)))
> (defn seq-of-parser
>   [parser]
>   (if-let [next-tuple (get-next-tuple parser)]
>     (lazy-cat [next-tuple]
>               (seq-of-parser parser))))
> (defn parse-file
>   [filename]
>   (seq-of-parser
>     (TurtleParser.
>       (io/input-stream filename))))
> (def id-map (atom nil))
> (defn insert-resource-node!
>   [inserter res]
>   (if-let [id (get @id-map res)]
>     ; If the resource has aleady been added, just return the id.
>     id
>     ; Otherwise, add the node for the node, and remember its id for later.
>     (let [id (.createNode inserter {"resource" res})]
>       (swap! id-map #(assoc! % res id))
>       id)))
> (defn connect-resource-nodes!
>   [inserter node1 node2 label]
>   (let [relationship (DynamicRelationshipType/withName label)]
>     (.createRelationship inserter node1 node2 relationship nil)))
> (defn insert-tuple!
>   [inserter tuple]
>   ; Get the resource and label names out of the tuple.
>   (let [[resource-1 label resource-2 & _ ] tuple
>         ; Upsert the resource nodes.
>         node-1 (insert-resource-node! inserter resource-1)
>         node-2 (insert-resource-node! inserter resource-2)]
>     ; Connect the nodes with an edge.
>     (connect-resource-nodes! inserter node-1 node-2 label)))
> (defn -main [graph-path & files]
>   (let [inserter (BatchInserters/inserter graph-path)]
>     (doseq [file files]
>       (log :debug (str "Loading file: " file))
>       (let [c (atom 0)]
>         (doseq [tuple (parse-file file)]
>           (if (= (mod @c 10000) 0)
>             (log :debug (str file ": " @c)))
>           (swap! c inc)
>           (insert-tuple! inserter tuple))))
>     (log :debug "Loading complete.")
>     (log :debug "Shutting down.")
>     (.shutdown inserter)
>     (log :debug "Shutdown complete!")))
> I am getting the following errors:
> IllegalAccessError Transient used by non-owner thread 
>  clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap$TransientArrayMap.ensureEditable 
> (PersistentArrayMap.java:449) 
> &&
> IllegalArgumentException No matching method found: createNode for class 
> org.neo4j.unsafe.batchinsert.BatchInserterImpl 
>  clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod
> Can anyone please help me in this.. Am doing something wrong or am i 
> missing something.. I am completely new to clojure. Is there a working 
> example for this?
> Please help..
> Thanks 

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