Dear list,

I'm playing around with core.async and I don't understand the following.

1) I make a "source" channel that emits a random number every second.

  (def continue (atom true))
  (def source (let [out (as/chan)]
           (as/go-loop []
              (when @continue
                (as/put! out (rand-int 10))
                (as/<! (as/timeout 1000))

2) I make a "sink" channel that simply discards whatever it gets:

  (def sink (let [in (as/chan)]
           (as/go-loop []
              (let [v (as/<! in)]
                (when-not (nil? v)

3) Now I pipe the source channel to the sink channel after mapping a print 
function over both of them:

 (as/pipe (as/map< (fn [x] (print "<") x) source) 
           (as/map> (fn [x] (print ">") x) sink))

I expected to see a sequence of the form "<><><>...". However, only one or 
very few ">" get printed, so I get a sequence "<>>>...". Why?

Furthermore, is what I am doing "idiomatic" or am I approaching things in 
the wrong way?

All feedback appreciated!

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