Just from the looks of the exception, you might need to pass an
input-stream or reader instead of a path.

The Dude (Abides) writes:

> Hi, I'm trying to use Image Resizer and am goofing up on the syntax 
> somewhere:
> (defn update-profile [firstname lastname email file]
>   (let [member-id     (session/get :member-id) 
>         redirecturl                  (str "/member/" member-id)
>         original-file-path        (str (img-path) "/" (:filename file))
>         new-file-name           (add-timestamp (:filename file))
>         new-name-filepath     (str (img-path) "/" new-file-name)]
>   (upload-file (img-path) (update-in file [:filename] add-timestamp))
>   (-> new-name-filepath
>     ((resize-fn 100 100)))
>   (memberdb/update-member member-id firstname lastname email (str 
> new-file-name))
>   (resp/redirect redirecturl)
>   ))
> I get the following error:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
> No matching method found: read
> Reflector.java:80clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod
> Reflector.java:207clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeStaticMethodutil.clj:10
> image-resizer.util/buffered-imageresize.clj:31
> image-resizer.resize/resize-fn[fn]members.clj:101
> sikhpyar.routes.members/update-profile2members.clj:168
> sikhpyar.routes.members/fncore.clj:94compojure.core/make-route[fn]
> core.clj:40compojure.core/if-route[fn]core.clj:25
> compojure.core/if-method[fn]core.clj:107compojure.core/routing[fn]
> core.clj:2443clojure.core/somecore.clj:107compojure.core/routing
> Does anyone have any experience with this lib and the correct way to employ 
> it, I'm not making much progress from the readme docs. Thanks.

Moritz Ulrich

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