
I'm trying to construct a Java obj from a from a classname string.
I've managed to import the thing using a macro:

(defmacro import-by-name [name] `(import [~name]))
(let [klass-name "foo.bar.Baz"
       the-ns (import-by-name klass-name)
       the-obj (new foo.bar.Baz arg)] ...)

But when I use a string instead of literal arg to new I get "Unable to
resolve classname":
      the-obj  (eval `(new ~klass-name ~arg))

The error message has the right classname, which is in test/classes as
expected (leiningen proj.).  So I can use a string to import the
class, but not to create an object of the class.

What am I doing wrong?



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