clojure.core provides a minimal set of functions for random effects: rand, 
rand-int, and rand-nth, currently with no simple ability to base these on a 
resettable random number generator or on different RNGs in different 
threads.  (But see this ticket <> 
pointed out by Andy Fingerhut in another thread.)

data.generators includes additional useful general-purpose functions 
involving random numbers and random choices, but this is entirely not 
obvious when you read the docstrings.  (Some of the docstrings are pretty 
mysterious.)  It's also not necessarily what one would guess from the name 
of the library.  (None of this is a criticism of anyone or anything about 
the project.  Data.generators is at an 0.n.m release stage.  I'm very 
grateful for the work that people have put in on it.)

As I understand it, data.generators was split off from test.generative, 
which sounds like a good idea.So data.generators was intended to provide 
functions that generate random data for testing.  (I imagine that the 
existing documentation makes more sense in the context of test.generative, 

However, what's in data.generator has more general applications, for people 
who want random numbers, samples, etc. outside of software testing.  (In my 
case, that would be for random effects in scientific simulations.)  Off the 
top of my head, it seems to me that these other applications might have 
slightly different needs from the use of data.generators by 

For one thing, efficiency might matter a lot in some simulations, but not 
in software testing.  (At least, *I* wouldn't care if my test functions 
were slow.)  I'm not saying that functions in data.generator are slow, but 
I don't think there's a good reason to worry about making them efficient if 
they're only intended for software testing.

Further, there are other needs than are currently provided by 
test.generators.  See the sampling functions in bigml/sampling 
<> or Incanter <>, 
for example, and lots of other random functions that Incanter provides.  
Some of those should remain in Incanter, of course, but I wonder whether 
Clojure would benefit from a contributed library that satisfied a set of 
core needs for random effects.  (Incanter partly builds on clojure.core's 
rand at this point.)

Maybe data.generators is/will be that library.  Or maybe parts of 
data.generators would make more sense as part of a separate library 
(math.random? data.random? math.probability?) that could be split out of 
data.generators.  (If it doesn't make sense to split data.generators, then 
would a new name for the library be more appropriate?)

Just some things I was wondering about.  Curious to see what others say.

(Fun tip: Check out data.generators' anything function, which is like 
Emacs' Zippy the Pinhead functions for people who prefer industrial atonal 
music composed by randomly filtered Jackson Pollock paintings, to speech.  
Or: People who want to thoroughly test their functions by throwing random 
randomly-typed data at them.)

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