I am trying to write a domain-specific production rule language which is 
compiled down at run-time into Clojure code. It's intended that the rule 
language should be usable by primary school children with little help.

So far it's going extremely well, except for one problem. If I run it in 
the REPL, like this, it works:

user=> (use 'mw-parser.core :reload)
user=> (use 'mw-engine.utils)
user=> (parse-rule "if state is forest and fertility is between 55 and 75 
then state should be climax")
(fn [cell world] (if (and (= (:state cell) :forest) (or (< 55 (get-int cell 
:fertility) 75) (> 55 (get-int cell :fertility) 75))) (merge cell {:state 
user=> (eval *1)
#<user$eval1839$fn__1840 user$eval1839$fn__1840@7a52b16b>
user=> (apply *1 (list {:state :forest :fertility 60} nil))
{:state :climax, :fertility 60}

However, I have a test as follows:

ns mw-parser.core-test
  (:use mw-engine.utils)
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [mw-parser.core :refer :all]))

(deftest rules-tests
  (testing "if altitude is less than 100 and state is forest then state 
should be climax and deer should be 3"
           (is (parse-rule "if altitude is less than 100 and state is 
forest then state should be climax and deer should be 3"))
           (is (let [cell (apply (eval (parse-rule "if altitude is less 
than 100 and state is forest then state should be climax and deer should be 
                                 (list {:state :forest :altitude 99} nil))]
                 (and (= (:state cell) :climax) (= (:deer cell) 3))))

This fails as follows:

simon@engraver:~/workspace/mw-parser$ lein test

lein test mw-parser.core-test

lein test :only mw-parser.core-test/rules-tests

ERROR in (rules-tests) (Compiler.java:6380)
if altitude is less than 100 and state is forest then state should be 
climax and deer should be 3
expected: (let [cell (apply (eval (parse-rule "if altitude is less than 100 
and state is forest then state should be climax and deer should be 3")) 
(list {:state :forest, :altitude 99} nil))] (and (= (:state cell) :climax) 
(= (:deer cell) 3)))
  actual: clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: 
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: get-int in this 
context, compiling:(/tmp/form-init4592216274934008360.clj:1:6384)

The function get-int is in mw-engine.utils, and is:

(defn get-int
  "Get the value of a property expected to be an integer from a map; if not 
present (or not an integer) return 0.
   * `map` a map;
   * `key` a symbol or keyword, presumed to be a key into the `map`."
  [map key]
  (cond map
    (let [v (map key)]
      (cond (and v (integer? v)) v
            true 0))

        true (throw (Exception. "No map passed?"))))

I'm trying to understand why this function is not available in the test 
environment when the anonymous function generated from the rule text is 
compiled and applied. This matters, because I expect the users of the 
system to add rules via a web form, so they won't have a REPL. 

As you can see I've specified that mw-engine.utils is used by the test 
file, but that does not apparently make the namespace available in eval. It 
is the eval step, not the apply step, that fails, I've verified that by 

user=> (use 'mw-parser.core :reload)
user=> (parse-rule "if state is forest and fertility is between 55 and 75 
then state should be climax")
(fn [cell world] (if (and (= (:state cell) :forest) (or (< 55 (get-int cell 
:fertility) 75) (> 55 (get-int cell :fertility) 75))) (merge cell {:state 
user=> (eval *1)

CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: 
get-int in this context, 

(Note that on this occasion I didn't include the (use 'mw-engine.utils) 

Any assistance gratefully received!

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